Thursday, August 30, 2012

Finding Work As A Stay-At-Home Dad ? It's A Dad's Life

Much has been written about the challenges stay-at-home mothers face when?making the decision to leave work for the preparation of a newborn child.

But with the number of stay-at-home dads more than doubling in the UK over?the last decade, very little has been written documenting the troubles that stay-at-home dads also face themselves.?For many, taking the decision to leave work and reside at home, whilst the?mother continues to work, is in itself a difficult one.

Stay-at-home dads often struggle with the stereotypes put in place by society,?particularly those stating that a dads role is to work and bring home the bacon.

However, an increasing number of stay-at-home dads are coming up with ways?to resist these norms, mastering the perfect combination of enjoying stay-at-home fatherhood, whilst helping to generate extra pennies to supplement the family income.

Retailing Online

For those with an interest in being creative, why not use your skills to create a?successful mini-business by selling your creations online?

From photography and painting to woodworking, the Internet plays host to a?variety of handmade marketplaces where selling your items is easy. And what?s?more, you can carry out making these creations with your children right at home,?where everyone can join in the fun, whatever their age.

If you?re also a dab-hand at technology, there?s also a successful market in buying?used electronics and refurbishing them to as good as new, in order to make?a little profit. However, it?s probably best to undertake these jobs away from?younger children, such as in the evenings, due to the problems associated with?small electronic parts.

Market yourself well with your creations, and you have the ability to enjoy a?profitable business.


An increasing number of companies are outsourcing work to freelancers,?particularly those who can provide administrative support.

Jobs such as copywriting, letter writing, book-keeping, web designing, and?internet marketing can all be done from the comfort of the home, if you have?easy access to a computer and internet connection.

Freelancing in a field that focuses on your existing skills and strengths is a good?place to start. As the nature of work is designed to be flexible, freelancing is a?great option for dads who value their stay-at-home status, but who are looking?for an effective way to help to earn some extra income from the home.

Undertaking freelance jobs such as these are often more suitable when children?are of nursery-age or have just started school, when you have a little more free?time (and a free set of hands!) throughout the day.

Online jobs boards often offer an overview of all freelance vacancies available. By?searching by location, for example ?jobs in Northampton?, it is possible to review?not only what jobs are available, but also to refine your search by keyword and?position-type in order to find a position most suitable for you.


Blogs are increasingly becoming one of the most effective ways to freelance,?particularly if you have a passion for writing.

Many dads have set up their own blogs documenting their parenting experience,?offering advice to other stay-at-home parents, or just simply writing about their?daily musings.

However, in order to do so, your blog must contain high quality, original and?interesting content. Your blog can then start to generate income when joined to?affiliate marketers. By linking your blog up to a site that sells products, you can?earn money for clicks and commission when an item is sold.

Blogs are great to write at the end of the day when you have a little ?you-time? to?reflect on the past day?s events. If you?ve made some homemade crafts with the?kids, take some photos of their creations and post them onto your blog. And who?knows, it could make for some fun and interesting content!

Offering Your Expertise

If you?re good in the garden or enjoy a spot of D.I.Y., offering your expertise out?to family, friends and neighbours can be a great little money earner.

Jobs from mowing the lawn, weeding, painting and putting shelves up, are great?ways of helping others who may not have time or be unable to carry out such?tasks.

Making flyers advertising your expertise and popping them into your local?village shop is a good way of getting the ball rolling. Once you?ve had your first?customer, there?s nothing more powerful than the word of mouth!

And what?s more, you can often carry out these jobs with the kids in tow. In the?summer, doing gardening tasks with the children can be a wonderful new way of?spending time with them, a way to teach them new skills, as well as earning you?some extra cash.

This article was written by Ella Mason, an experienced careers writer. Ella?specialises in providing jobs advice for stay-at-home parents.

A note from David/Chuckalicious ? the blog owner: This is a guest post, which was not done for payment. I was approached by this writer and I thought the content was in line with the content on this blog, so agreed to post this article.


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