Sunday, August 19, 2012

2012 RNC delegates can attend ?Newt University? at convention

By David Ferguson
Saturday, August 18, 2012 14:40 EDT


Delegates at the 2012 Republican National Convention, which takes place Monday, August 27 to Thursday, August 30 in Tampa, Florida, will be able to take classes at ?Newt University,? a series of workshops an seminars hosted by former Congressman Rep. Newt Gingrich (R-GA). The classes are allegedly designed to ?support and expound upon the overall messages of the convention,? according to a press release sent out by the convention Saturday morning.

?Former U.S. Speaker of the House and one-time college professor Newt Gingrich will host Newt University,? said the release, ?a series of public policy workshops for delegates to brush up on the policy and U.S. history behind the GOP platform. Newt U seminars will support and expound upon the overall daily convention themes in greater detail and give delegates an opportunity to dive deeper into those issues.?

Gingrich was hired as an assistant professor at West Georgia College in Carrollton, Georgia in 1970. He left the institution eight years later when he was denied tenure.

Convention CEO William Harris said in the announcement today, ?The goal is to prepare the American people with the facts to dispel myths and misinformation. Speaker Gingrich is one of our party?s most effective communicators, which is why he was asked to lead this effort.?

Gingrich dropped out of the Republican primary race in May after losing every state primary and caucus except his home state of Georgia and its neighbor South Carolina. Neither he nor former vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin have been given official speaking slots at the 2012 convention. The roster of speakers thus far includes South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Florida Gov. Rick Scott, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and others.

Watch Saturday Night Live?s ?Moon President Newt Gingrich? sketch, embedded via Hulu, below:







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