Thursday, August 30, 2012

Defense: Shooting suspect made call before attack

Defense attorney Daniel King leads other public defenders into court for a motions hearing for suspected movie theater shooter James Holmes in district court in Centennial, Colo., on Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012. Holmes has been charged in the shooting at the Aurora theater on July 20 that killed twelve people and injured more than 50. (AP Photo/Barry Gutierrez)

Defense attorney Daniel King leads other public defenders into court for a motions hearing for suspected movie theater shooter James Holmes in district court in Centennial, Colo., on Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012. Holmes has been charged in the shooting at the Aurora theater on July 20 that killed twelve people and injured more than 50. (AP Photo/Barry Gutierrez)

Dr. Lynne Fenton, the University of Colorado psychiatrist who was treating suspected theater shooter James Holmes is seen through a window leading to a district courtroom where a motions hearing was being held in Holmes case in Centennial, Colo., on Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012. James Holmes has been charged in the shooting at the Aurora theater on July 20 that killed twelve people and injured more than 50. (AP Photo/Barry Gutierrez)

Assistant District Attorney Karen Pearson leads the prosecution team into court for a motions hearing for suspected theater shooter James Holmes in district court in Centennial, Colo., on Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012. Holmes has been charged in the shooting at the Aurora theater on July 20 that killed twelve people and injured more than 50. (AP Photo/Barry Gutierrez)

FILE - In this Monday, July 23, 2012 file photo, James Holmes, accused of killing 12 people in Friday's shooting rampage in an Aurora, Colo., movie theater, appears in Arapahoe County District Court with defense attorney Tamara Brady in Centennial, Colo. A court hearing Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012 will examine Holmes' relationship with a University of Colorado psychiatrist to whom he mailed a package containing a notebook that reportedly contains violent descriptions of an attack. His attorneys say Holmes is mentally ill and that he sought help from psychiatrist Lynne Fenton at the school, where he was a Ph.D. student, until shortly before the July 20 shooting. Prosecutors allege Holmes may have been angry at the failure of a once promising academic career. (AP Photo/Denver Post, RJ Sangosti, Pool, File)

Defense attorney Daniel King leads other public defenders into court for a motions hearing for suspected theater shooter James Holmes in district court in Centennial, Colo., on Thursday, Aug. 30, 2012. Holmes has been charged in the shooting at the Aurora theater on July 20 that killed twelve people and injured more than 50. (AP Photo/Barry Gutierrez)

CENTENNIAL, Colo. (AP) ? The suspect in the Colorado shooting rampage tried unsuccessfully to call his university psychiatrist 9 minutes before he opened fire during a Batman movie premiere, defense attorneys revealed in court Thursday.

James Holmes placed the call to an after-hours number at a hospital at the University of Colorado, Anschutz campus, where psychiatrist Lynne Fenton could be reached, defense attorney Tamara Brady said.

It wasn't clear why he called Fenton, and she wasn't immediately available to talk to him. Holmes, 24, is accused of opening fire during a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises," killing 12 people and injuring 58 others.

The detail about the call came out during a hearing about his relationship with Fenton, to whom he mailed a package containing a notebook that reportedly contained violent descriptions of an attack.

Prosecutors asked the judge to let them review the notebook as part of their investigation, while defense attorneys argued it was inadmissible because it was protected by doctor-patient privacy laws.

Judge William B. Sylvester ruled that an ongoing doctor-patient relationship did exist between Fenton and Holmes, but he scheduled a Sept. 20 hearing to revisit the notebook issue.

Thursday's three-and-a-half-hour hearing was the longest yet that Holmes has attended. He appeared to pay close attention to the proceedings and smiled at least once as he leaned toward his attorney. Holmes had a light moustache but was otherwise clean-shaven, and his hair was blond and orange.

Brady brought up the call placed by Holmes to show Fenton's doctor-patient relationship with him was ongoing. During questioning, Brady asked the psychiatrist if she could be reached at that after-hours number, to which Fenton replied she could.

Brady then asked: "Do you know that Mr. Holmes called that number 9 minutes before the shooting started?"

Fenton responded, "I did not."

Prosecutors noted Holmes also had Fenton's office phone number. He apparently did not try to reach her there.

Fenton testified that she last met with Holmes on June 11, and that she believed they had no doctor-patient relationship by July 19, the day prosecutors say Holmes mailed the notebook. She also said she contacted a campus police officer after meeting with Holmes on June 11.

"I communicated with (the officer) to gather more information on this case and also communicate my concerns," Fenton said.

Chief Deputy District Attorney Karen Pearson asked Fenton what information she wanted from police, but Brady objected and the judge barred the question.

Fenton said she received a voicemail from a defense team investigator two days after the shooting advising her Holmes had sent her a package. She contacted her attorneys and did not see the package, which was discovered in a mailroom July 23.

University spokeswoman Erika Matich said the school would have no comment on Fenton's testimony, including any details about her contact with campus police.

"Dr. Fenton's testimony stands for itself," Matich said.

Meanwhile, the University of Iowa released records showing it rejected Holmes from a graduate neuroscience program last year after he visited campus for an interview and left the program director bluntly warning colleagues: "Do NOT offer admission under any circumstances."

It was unclear why Holmes' application was denied, and university officials wouldn't elaborate. But the application response was yet another window into a complex young man who was viewed as both brilliant and deeply troubled before the July shooting.

Holmes applied to the Iowa program in late 2010 and was given an interview Jan. 28, 2011, university records showed. In his application, he painted himself as a bright student interested in improving himself and helping the world with a career in scientific research.

But two days after Holmes' interview, neuroscience program director Daniel Tranel wrote a strongly worded email urging the admissions committee not to accept him to the school.

"James Holmes: Do NOT offer admission under any circumstances," wrote Tranel, a professor of neurology.

Psychology professor Mark Blumberg followed up with a separate email two days later to say he agreed with Tranel about Holmes, one of three students Blumberg interviewed. He recommended admission for the other two.

The emails are among 12 pages of records the university released about Holmes in response to public records requests filed by The Associated Press and other news outlets.

None of the documents further explain why Holmes' application was denied. University spokesman Tom Moore said Thursday that Holmes was academically qualified but officials did not see him as a "good personal fit for our program." He declined to elaborate.

Blumberg said in an email Thursday that he has no specific recollection of Holmes, noting officials interview many applicants each year. Tranel was not granting interview requests Thursday, a spokesman said.

Francesca Reed, marketing and social media chair of the National Association of Graduate Admissions Professionals, reviewed the university's emails for the AP and said it was clear that Holmes left school officials with a very negative impression during the interview. But she noted that could have been the result of anything from his demeanor to his research interests.

"People are going to look at this and start to say, 'He must have displayed some behavior that was a red flag," she said of Tranel's email regarding Holmes. "But if this shooting incident didn't happen, people would look at it differently. Without being on that committee, it's hard to pass judgment."

Admissions officials have no obligation to report potentially disturbed behavior from prospective students unless it amounts to a direct threat, said Reed, who also is director of graduate admissions at Marymount University in Arlington, Va.,

Holmes later enrolled as a first-year Ph.D. student in a neuroscience program at the University of Colorado, Denver. He withdrew June 10.

His rejection from the Iowa school stands in contrast to his previously released application to a similar program at the University of Illinois, where he was offered admission with free tuition and $22,000 per year but declined to enroll.

Holmes said on his Iowa application that he also was applying to Texas A&M, Kansas, Michigan, Alabama and Colorado. He wrote that he had a thirst for knowledge and wanted to study the "science of learning, cognition and memory."

"I have always been fascinated by the complexities of a long lost thought seemingly arising out of nowhere into a stream of awareness," he wrote. "These fascinations likely stemmed from my interest in puzzles and paradoxes as an adolescent and continued through my curiosity in academic research."

Holmes added that he was passionate about neuroscience and would bring "my strong moral upbringing" to the program.


Associated Press writer Colleen Slevin in Denver contributed to this report. Foley reported from Iowa City, Iowa.

Associated Press


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Calorie limits don't extend lifespan but might keep you healthier

For 75 years, scientists have documented a curious fact: If rats and mice eat 30% to 40% fewer calories than normal, they live 15% to 40% longer than is typical for their species. The observation has offered humans hope that our own maximum life span could one day be extended, enabling people to live well past their 100th birthday.

A new study of monkeys pours cold water on that notion ? while at the same time offering some heartening health news.

Among a colony of rhesus monkeys tracked for more than 20 years, animals whose calories were restricted to 30% below normal lived no longer, on average, than monkeys whose eating was unrestricted, scientists found. But the diet did offer clear benefits, notably in warding off cancer.

It appears that "we are seeing a separation between what we call 'health span' from 'life span' ? they are not hand in hand," said Rafael de Cabo, an experimental gerontologist at the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore and senior author of the study.

The report, published online Wednesday by the journal Nature, suggests that what has proven true for rodents and various other animals may not hold true for primates ? humans included ? at least under the conditions that were studied. The findings are likely to disappoint the hundreds of people in the U.S. who practice a strict regimen of calorie restriction in hopes of postponing their appointment with the Grim Reaper.

But the results also have some researchers scratching their heads. The results are quite different from a 2009 study of monkeys in a colony in Wisconsin that found a clear survival edge from age-related diseases like diabetes, cancer and heart disease in calorie-restricted animals. That study also saw a trend toward longer life for monkeys on the diet when all causes of death were considered.

Figuring out whether differences in diet, the animals' genetic makeup or something else caused the results to diverge could offer important clues to the ways in which calorie restriction ? and aging ? work, De Cabo said.

The new study tracked 121 male and female monkeys at the National Institutes of Health's animal center in Maryland starting in 1987. One group of 35 animals ? the "old onset" group ? were 16 to 23 years old when the study began. (Rhesus monkeys mature around age 4 or 5 and live to 27, on average, in captivity.) The rest were in a group that included juvenile and adolescent monkeys, as well as younger adults up to the age of 14.

All the monkeys received the same food, but the control animals could eat as much as they wanted during daylight hours. The rest were limited to only 70% of what they ate before the experiment began.

In the older group, there was no overall difference in age of death between calorie-restricted and free-eating animals. That was true when all causes of death were considered together as well as when deaths from age-related illnesses were calculated separately, the authors found.

Longevity under both conditions was above the norm, however. And four of the older animals in the calorie-restricted group and one from the control group have broken rhesus monkey longevity records by living beyond 40 years.

That fact especially intrigues gerontologist Rick Weindruch of the University of Wisconsin in Madison, author of the earlier monkey study.

"To me this is really important ? that five animals either reached or exceeded what has been thought to be the maximum life span of the species," Weindruch said.

Among the younger animals, the scientists didn't find any survival edge for dieting animals. But they did find reduced rates of diabetes and stark differences in cancer rates.

So far, no monkey in the calorie-restricted group has been diagnosed with cancer, De Cabo said, whereas six cases have occurred in the controls and are believed to have been the cause of death of five of them. That is in line with rodent studies, which have also found that calorie restriction seems to ward off cancer.

There were other differences too. Calorie-restricted monkeys weighed less and looked younger than the animals that ate freely. They also appeared "younger" in some metabolic respects, with lower blood levels of triglycerides and glucose in the old group and lower cholesterol levels in males of both age classes.

The fact that diseases of old age can be warded off even if life span isn't necessarily extended suggests "that health and longevity are not the same thing," said Steven N. Austad, a biogerontologist at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, who wrote a commentary accompanying the report.

This could be considered encouraging, he added: "In the ideal scenario, we'd stay healthy to a relatively decent age and then we'd suddenly fall over at the appropriate time. That would be a good thing. What we don't want is people living longer and longer in worse and worse health."

Scientists aren't sure how to explain why the new study produced different results than the Wisconsin study, in which only 13% of the calorie-restricted monkeys died due to some age-related disease compared with 37% of the control monkeys.

But they have some ideas. Chief among them: The food served was very different, even though the overall amounts of protein, carbohydrates and fats were similar in both studies.

The Wisconsin diet consisted of purified ingredients mixed together and was high in sugar, perhaps explaining why so many of the free-feeding monkeys in that study developed diabetes. The Maryland monkeys ate a diet made from natural ingredients that contained more plant micronutrients and omega-3 fatty acids, among other items.

As a result, all of the monkeys in the new study may have been healthier overall, regardless of whether they were calorie-restricted.

Though the final word on whether calorie restriction extends life span is not in ? nearly 50% of the younger monkeys are still alive ? the authors wrote that they are unlikely to find a survival edge when all is said and done. But it's still possible they will, De Cabo said, especially if the cancer difference grows starker.

Even if the strategy turns out not to be the elixir of youth, that wouldn't devastate 54-year-old St. Louis resident Joe Cordell, an avid practitioner of calorie restriction for the last 10 years.

"I would like to live to the outer limits of what human beings normally live," said the 5-foot-9, 129-pound lawyer, who eats berries, apple peel and walnuts for breakfast and favors giant salads for dinner.

But, he added, "I would be delighted to take 90 to 95 years without cancer, without heart disease, without diabetes or other chronic illnesses. To me, that would have warranted this."


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Finding Work As A Stay-At-Home Dad ? It's A Dad's Life

Much has been written about the challenges stay-at-home mothers face when?making the decision to leave work for the preparation of a newborn child.

But with the number of stay-at-home dads more than doubling in the UK over?the last decade, very little has been written documenting the troubles that stay-at-home dads also face themselves.?For many, taking the decision to leave work and reside at home, whilst the?mother continues to work, is in itself a difficult one.

Stay-at-home dads often struggle with the stereotypes put in place by society,?particularly those stating that a dads role is to work and bring home the bacon.

However, an increasing number of stay-at-home dads are coming up with ways?to resist these norms, mastering the perfect combination of enjoying stay-at-home fatherhood, whilst helping to generate extra pennies to supplement the family income.

Retailing Online

For those with an interest in being creative, why not use your skills to create a?successful mini-business by selling your creations online?

From photography and painting to woodworking, the Internet plays host to a?variety of handmade marketplaces where selling your items is easy. And what?s?more, you can carry out making these creations with your children right at home,?where everyone can join in the fun, whatever their age.

If you?re also a dab-hand at technology, there?s also a successful market in buying?used electronics and refurbishing them to as good as new, in order to make?a little profit. However, it?s probably best to undertake these jobs away from?younger children, such as in the evenings, due to the problems associated with?small electronic parts.

Market yourself well with your creations, and you have the ability to enjoy a?profitable business.


An increasing number of companies are outsourcing work to freelancers,?particularly those who can provide administrative support.

Jobs such as copywriting, letter writing, book-keeping, web designing, and?internet marketing can all be done from the comfort of the home, if you have?easy access to a computer and internet connection.

Freelancing in a field that focuses on your existing skills and strengths is a good?place to start. As the nature of work is designed to be flexible, freelancing is a?great option for dads who value their stay-at-home status, but who are looking?for an effective way to help to earn some extra income from the home.

Undertaking freelance jobs such as these are often more suitable when children?are of nursery-age or have just started school, when you have a little more free?time (and a free set of hands!) throughout the day.

Online jobs boards often offer an overview of all freelance vacancies available. By?searching by location, for example ?jobs in Northampton?, it is possible to review?not only what jobs are available, but also to refine your search by keyword and?position-type in order to find a position most suitable for you.


Blogs are increasingly becoming one of the most effective ways to freelance,?particularly if you have a passion for writing.

Many dads have set up their own blogs documenting their parenting experience,?offering advice to other stay-at-home parents, or just simply writing about their?daily musings.

However, in order to do so, your blog must contain high quality, original and?interesting content. Your blog can then start to generate income when joined to?affiliate marketers. By linking your blog up to a site that sells products, you can?earn money for clicks and commission when an item is sold.

Blogs are great to write at the end of the day when you have a little ?you-time? to?reflect on the past day?s events. If you?ve made some homemade crafts with the?kids, take some photos of their creations and post them onto your blog. And who?knows, it could make for some fun and interesting content!

Offering Your Expertise

If you?re good in the garden or enjoy a spot of D.I.Y., offering your expertise out?to family, friends and neighbours can be a great little money earner.

Jobs from mowing the lawn, weeding, painting and putting shelves up, are great?ways of helping others who may not have time or be unable to carry out such?tasks.

Making flyers advertising your expertise and popping them into your local?village shop is a good way of getting the ball rolling. Once you?ve had your first?customer, there?s nothing more powerful than the word of mouth!

And what?s more, you can often carry out these jobs with the kids in tow. In the?summer, doing gardening tasks with the children can be a wonderful new way of?spending time with them, a way to teach them new skills, as well as earning you?some extra cash.

This article was written by Ella Mason, an experienced careers writer. Ella?specialises in providing jobs advice for stay-at-home parents.

A note from David/Chuckalicious ? the blog owner: This is a guest post, which was not done for payment. I was approached by this writer and I thought the content was in line with the content on this blog, so agreed to post this article.


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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

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Man shot by mistake at India Olympics celebration

A police officer accidentally shot dead a 64-year-old man at homecoming celebrations in India for Olympic bronze medal-winning boxer Mary Kom, officials said Tuesday.

Kom was greeted by large crowds in Churachandpur town in the remote northeastern state of Manipur when the reception in her honour was interrupted by the gunshot.

The victim was rushed to hospital but died of his injuries after the accident on Sunday, while the police constable has been arrested.

"It was a freak accidental firing that led to the death of a man named Dongjapao during the celebrations," police official A. Singh told AFP by telephone.

Singh said the cultural and entertainment programme had continued after the shooting.

Kom, who was born in a village near Churachandpur, had to settle for bronze at London 2012 after she was beaten by Britain's Nicola Adams, who went on to win the gold medal.

The mother-of-two is a national hero in India and is seen as a symbol of unity as she hails from Manipur, a state bordering Myanmar that has been hit by separatist violence for decades.

The Times of India reported that Manipur authorities had awarded her $135,000 in cash, three acres (1.2 hectares) of land on which to set up a boxing academy and a promotion to the post of superintendent of police.


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Second fire erupts at Tyler Perry's studio

Fred Prouser / REUTERS

By Alyssa Toomey, E! Online

Things are heating up, and not in a good way, for Tyler Perry. Fire erupted at the 42-year-old filmmaker's southwest Atlanta studio Monday -- the second blaze in the last four months, E! News confirms.

The building was undergoing roof repairs before the fire broke out at the 200,000 square-foot complex. The blaze was reported just before 11 a.m. and was confined to the roof of the studio.

Watch Matthew Fox take on Tyler Perry in "Alex Cross"

According to the Atlanta Fire department, there is no structural damage to the building and no injuries have been reported. The cause of the small blaze is still under investigation. Calls to Perry's rep have not yet been returned.

See pics from upcoming movies, including Tyler Perry's latest "Alex Cross"

"It was a small fire that was put out with fire extinguishers," a source tells E! "The fire department responded to the scene immediately and (there were) no injuries." This is the second fire at Tyler Perry Studios in recent months. In May, a far more serious four-alarm blaze ripped through the studio lot, collapsing one building and causing significant damage to the backlot facade.?

The cause of the first fire was undetermined. Perry opened the lot in October 2008.?

-- Reporting by Holly Passalaqua?

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Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Oil companies, refiners brace for Louisiana-bound Isaac

HOUSTON (Reuters) - Energy companies evacuated offshore oil rigs and shut down U.S. Gulf Coast refineries on Monday as Tropical Storm Isaac threatened to reach hurricane strength and batter the country's oil refining belt this week.

The National Hurricane Center (NHC) projected that Isaac, currently a tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico, could strengthen markedly before making landfall in Louisiana by Wednesday, seven years after Katrina ravaged the Louisiana coast when it swept ashore as a Category 3 storm.

Late Monday, the NHC revised its forecast for Isaac, warning that it could reach Category 2 strength -- marked by winds between 96 and 110 miles per hour on the Saffir scale -- before making landfall.

Earlier Monday, it had projected a lighter Category 1 landfall.

"Reconnaissance aircraft indicates Isaac getting stronger," the NHC said in an advisory at 4:56 p.m. EDT (2056 GMT), calling the storm surge threat "significant" for the Northern Gulf Coast.

As a precaution, as of Monday afternoon the energy industry had shut down 78 percent of Gulf of Mexico crude production and 48 percent of its natural gas production, government figures showed.

Houston-based Bristow Group, which runs a fleet of 90 helicopters in North America, has been running a military-style evacuation operation ferrying workers from oil platforms hundreds of miles offshore in the Gulf of Mexico back to heliports in New Iberia, Louisiana.

"We have been very busy in the past three or four days," said Jonathan Bailiff, senior vice president and chief financial officer. "It's not hectic, but there is a real sense of urgency."

Shut-ins are expected to increase over the next few days. The region accounts for nearly a fourth of U.S. oil output and 7 percent of its natgas output.

Oil and gas traders on Monday focused on Isaac's potential to tighten fuel supplies by idling refinery operations in the Gulf Coast, home to around 7.8 million barrels per day (bpd) of capacity, or 45 percent of the U.S. total.

U.S. gasoline futures rose by 2.5 percent on fears the storm could affect low-lying Louisiana refineries. Crude futures fell 0.7 percent to settle at $95.47 per barrel, on concerns oil consumption could drop as refineries are idled.

Isaac, currently around 255 miles southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi River, is packing 65 mile-per-hour (100 kilometer-per-hour) winds and is expected to strengthen before reaching land, when it could cause storm surges of six to 12 feet in parts of Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi, the NHC warned.

"Isaac looks like a smaller storm event than Katrina was, but energy companies are following their emergency drill, which means we will lose some production and some refineries will be shut," said Citi energy analyst Tim Evans.

"They have learned their lesson from past storms."

Refineries in Louisiana usually process more than 3 million bpd. On Monday, companies including Marathon Petroleum, Valero, Exxon Mobil, and Phillips66 had closed -- or were in the process of reducing rates at -- around half of the state's refining apparatus.

The Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP), a major conduit for U.S. oil imports, suspended tanker unloading to brace for the storm.

The U.S. Coast Guard said it closed the port of New Orleans temporarily.

In Mississippi, Chevron Corp. said it continued to operate its 330,000 bpd plant at Pascagoula. Chevron, like many other U.S. producers, said it had shut in some offshore oil and gas output.

Energy firms, including top offshore producer BP PLC, have already idled more than a dozen major offshore oil and gas platforms since last week.


The Gulf of Mexico is also the site of a vast pipeline network and 30 percent of U.S. natural gas storage.

If Isaac continues on the trajectory forecast by the NHC, it would be the first hurricane of 2012 to make landfall.

In 2005, Katrina took out around 4.5 million bpd of refining capacity, some of which was idled for months, driving up fuel costs.

Gasoline inventories in the Gulf Coast remain at seasonally high levels. For the week to August 17, they stood at 70.2 million barrels, or 1.1 million barrels above their five-year average level for the week, according to Department of Energy figures.

Since 2005, billions have been spent on new levees and pumping stations to lessen the potential blow from tidal surges like those that destroyed part of New Orleans seven years ago during Katrina.

"It's too early to know, but if all goes well this storm will only be a test of the emergency drill," said Citi's Evans. "In that case, energy infrastructure could be back up and running soon."

Marathon Petroleum said on Monday it was initiating the shutdown of its 490,000 bpd refinery in Garyville, Louisiana.

Phillips66 said it was in the process of shutting its 247,000 bpd Alliance refinery in Belle Chase, Louisiana, and that the plant would be offline by late Monday.

(Additional reporting by Jeanine Prezioso, Janet McGurty, Selam Gebrekidan, Eileen Houlihan, Robert Gibbons, Edward McAllister and Joshua Schneyer in New York. Editing by Sofina Mirza-Reid, Gary Crosse, Andrew Hay, David Gregorio and Joseph Radford)


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The Gamesville Blog: Best Pets: Jaiyana's Puppy Pals!

Written by megadestructo / August 28, 2012 12:12 pm / Add New Comment

Jaiyana's dogs! This week?s Best Pets comes to us from Gamesviller Jiayana of Waterbury, CT!

Distinguishing Personality Traits
Jaiyana had this to say about her two pups: ?Tennille (Lhasa Apso on the left side) is 12 years old and has had seizures (less since getting Angel, our rat terrier on the right). Our vet recommended getting a puppy to keep Tennille active. She is still playful and happy! Angel is 2 years old and is very alert to Tennille and keeps her going . She thinks she is Tennille?s Mother! They both love to snuggle up with each other every night to sleep, whether on my bed or theirs!?

Want to share photos of your own favorite pet with the Gamesville community?

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  • Your Gamesville member name ? I can?t award you GVs without it!
  • Your pet?s most distinguishing personality trait, their name and a little bit about them!

If we publish your pet as a ?Best Pet,? we?ll give you 5,000 GV Rewards. Submit your pet today!

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Monday, August 27, 2012

Happy birthday, Pee-wee -- er, Paul Reubens!

Matt Sayles / AP

Paul Reubens as Pee-Wee Herman in 2010.

By Randee Dawn, TODAY contributor

Ready for the secret word, kids? It's?"birthday!"? Comedian Paul Reubens -- aka Pee-wee Herman --?turns 60 today.

Between 1981 and 1990, Reubens' character, invented?during a 1978 improvisation exercise, starred in?"The Pee-wee Herman Show," Pee-wee's Playhouse," and "Pee-wee's Big Adventure," Tim Burton's first feature film. He was surreal, hilarious, literal and like a five-year-old trapped in a man's body.

Pee-wee wasn't Reubens' only shot in the spotlight; after the end of the shows (and the temporary retirement of the character) following?his infamous?1991 adult-theater arrest, he appeared (not as Pee-wee) in films like "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Blow," and on TV shows like "Murphy Brown." A second arrest -- for owning pornography --?slowed things down in?2002. But Reubens keeps fighting for his career, and in the late 2000s gave Pee-wee a second life with a short on Funny or Die in 2009, and a Broadway appearance in 2010.?

It seems that no matter how old Reubens gets, Pee-wee will remain forever young. That's your name, and we won't wear it out. Happy birthday, Paul Reubens!

What's your favorite Pee-wee Herman memory? Let us know on Facebook!

Also in TODAY Entertainment:


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Financial Counseling Requirement before Bankruptcy Discharge ...


In a previous article called The Credit Counseling Requirement before Filing for Bankruptcy, it was pointed out that as of 2005, the new federal guidelines regarding bankruptcy petitions state that any individual who is considering filing either a Chapter 7 or a Chapter 13 must go through credit counseling using a government-sanctioned credit counseling agency. As mentioned, there are two primary goals that govern this new regulation. One is to eliminate the chances of anyone attempting to file any type of fraudulent claim of bankruptcy, and the second is to evaluate whether or not the individual can feasibly handle their financial affairs and debt responsibilities without filing a petition, and without adding to their existing debt burdens as well.

This article is meant to draw attention to an additional stipulation in the bankruptcy laws that require every individual to take a financial management or counseling course from an agency approved by the court before their discharge is issued in either a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. This course is also referred to as pre-discharge counseling or budget counseling.


Pre-Bankruptcy Credit Counseling as opposed to Pre-Discharge Financial Counseling


This court-mandated financial counseling course obligation is unlike the credit counseling that every individual must undergo before filing their bankruptcy petition. In this case, the individual is required to take the financial counseling course after they have filed their petition for bankruptcy. However, and most importantly, it must be completed before a discharge is issued by the bankruptcy court.


Court-Approved Agencies that provide the Financial Counseling Course


Just like the credit counseling course, each individual is required to take this financial counseling course from an organization that is pre-approved by the Office of the U.S. Trustee. These courses are regulated to go on for at least two hours and encompass a specified program of study. The agencies endorsed by the U.S. Trustee for the pre-bankruptcy credit counseling course were non-profit organizations. By contrast, those that provide the financial counseling courses are not required to be a nonprofit entity. Nevertheless, these organizations are set up to provide, to any individual who needs it, a sliding scale fee if they cannot manage to pay the full cost of the program. For maximum convenience, the financial counseling course can also be taken either in person, on-line, or through the mail. Listings of the sanctioned counseling agencies can be found by going to the U.S. Trustee?s website at From there, find the ?Consumer Information? menu, and follow that to the ?Credit Counseling & Debtor Education.?


Filing the Course Completion Certificate


After the financial counseling course has been completed, it must followed up by filing the Official Form 23 with the bankruptcy court, which certifies that each individual has in fact taken the required financial counseling course. In addition, a certificate of completion from the counseling agency must also be filed as well.


The Financial Counseling Timeline


Within the Chapter 7 bankruptcy regulations, each individual is required to file the Form 23 and their certificate of completion with forty-five days after the specific date their 341 hearing (the meeting of the creditors) was first placed on the court docket. It is very important that this cut-off date is strictly adhered to. If this filing date is missed, the bankruptcy court could close the bankruptcy case, without a discharge or final determination. Should this dilemma occur, the individual would have to file a motion to request that their case be re-opened, which will add a substantial expense to the petition process, along with the costs incurred by their bankruptcy attorney.

In the Chapter 13 bankruptcy guidelines, each individual must file the Form 23 and their certificate of completion any time before their final payment is made within their repayment schedule. In general, anyone is permitted to take the financial counseling course within the timeframe of the Chapter 13 repayment schedule, and it is usually recommended simply because information taught in the course assists each individual with designing and maintaining their budget and completing their repayment plan successfully.


Exceptions to the Pre-Discharge Financial Counseling Course Requirement


There are, however, a limited number exceptions to this requirement, even though most bankruptcy petitioners seldom qualify for them. An individual is not required to take the course if there are no financial counseling courses where they live. However, this particular exception hardly ever comes into play simply because every judicial district usually has counseling agencies that provide the necessary financial counseling courses either through internet access or over the telephone.

Another possible exception is if an individual has a disability or incapacity that renders them unable to take the course, but again, due to the fact that the courses are accessible either over the telephone or through the internet, bankruptcy courts rarely consent to this exception. Nevertheless, if an individual does happen to possess some form of mental impairment that inhibits them from comprehending the information given during the course, this requirement could in fact be put aside. In addition, if there are no financial counseling courses accessible in a language the individual can understand, or the organizations in their judicial district do not offer counseling in that language, it may be possible to be excused from this requirement. And finally, any individual who happens to be serving on active duty status in a military zone is also excused from taking this course prior to receiving their discharge.

If you are currently considering the benefits and protections offered under the bankruptcy laws, or would like your specific questions or concerns regarding these counseling course requirements answered, please contact our office to speak with any one of our highly qualified bankruptcy attorneys for complete details and counseling agency locations and contact information.



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Isaac to Turn into Hurricane, Threatens New Orleans

The storm is expected to reach Category 2 and hit New Orleans seven years to the date when Katrina devastated the city

Communities from New Orleans to Pensacola are being put on high alert for a direct landfall from future Category 2 Hurricane Isaac around Tuesday night.

Residents, including those in Gulfport, Miss., and Mobile, Ala., should start making preparations now for Isaac's arrival.

Ironically, Isaac is expected to threaten lives and property along the northern Gulf Coast seven years to the date of Hurricane Katrina's devastating landfall.

Even those living and vacationing westward to Houston, Texas, should monitor Isaac's progress. Isaac tracking more toward the northwestern Gulf of Mexico cannot be ruled out and all depends on whether Isaac interacts with a cold front pushing toward the Northeast.

While?currently a tropical storm, Isaac is a storm that should not be taken lightly.

As the? Hurricane Center?has been calling for since last Thursday, Isaac is expected to slam into the northern Gulf Coast around Tuesday night as a?Category 2 hurricane (with maximum sustained winds between 96 and 110 mph).

There is concern that if Isaac tracks more westward toward New Orleans, La., than Pensacola, Fla.--essentially spending more time over water--the storm could become a major hurricane (Category 3 or higher) prior to landfall.

Whether a powerful Category 2 or 3 hurricane, Isaac will pound those in its path with destructive winds, widespread flooding rain and isolated tornadoes.

The strongest winds in Category 2 hurricanes can cause well-constructed framed homes to sustain significant roof and siding damage. Widespread tree damage is likely, leading to potentially lengthy power outages.

Conditions only worsen in a Category 3 hurricane. Most trees will not be able to withstand the strength of these winds, which threaten to cause more substantial structural roof damage on well-built homes.

In both cases, loose lawn items will easily become flying and potentially deadly or damaging projectiles.

A significant storm surge between 6 and 12 feet would also evolve near and east of Isaac's landfall point, leading to coastal flooding and beach erosion.

A track onto the Mississippi coast would spell severe trouble for both New Orleans and Mobile in terms of storm surge. Winds circulating around Isaac would funnel water from the Gulf of Mexico directly into Mobile, via Mobile Bay.

Even though New Orleans will lie west of Isaac's path given this scenario, such a track could still cause water from Lake Pontchartrain to put severe stress on the city's levee system.

Winds will initially drive water from the Gulf into Lake Pontchartrain as Isaac approaches, then will push that water back toward New Orleans as the storm tracks north of the city.

Those at risk of taking a direct hit by Isaac should closely monitor the progress of the storm and heed all evacuation orders.

Residents are urged to spend the rest of the weekend and Monday completing the necessary storm preparations ahead of Isaac and review evacuation plans.

Officials may be forced to evacuate more oil rigs across the north-central Gulf of Mexico. Current indications point toward waves of 20 to 30 feet (or higher) building in this region of the Gulf as Isaac gains strength and approaches the coast.

The dangers of Isaac will not end when the storm makes its final landfall.?Flooding rain and isolated tornadoes will continue to accompany Isaac?inland through the South.


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Sunday, August 26, 2012

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Grant Thornton LLP ? New York City, NY ? Title: Financial Services State & Local Tax Manager Location: US-New York-New York Other Locations: null Grant Thornton is collaborative, entrepreneurial and on the move. As part of a dynamic global organization of 30,000 people serving clients in more than 100 countries, we have the agility and focus it takes to be a leader. We are committed to capitalizing on our strengths and serving dynamic organizations that share our values and drive

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Drone strike may have killed Haqqani network leader

ISLAMABAD (Reuters) - A CIA drone strike in Pakistan may have killed the operational commander of the Haqqani network, the insurgent group behind some of the most high-profile attacks on Western and Afghan government targets in Afghanistan, Pakistani intelligence officials and militant sources said on Saturday.

The officials said Badruddin Haqqani, who is also believed to handle the network's vital business interests and smuggling operations, may have been killed during a drone strike this week in Pakistan's tribal North Waziristan region.

One senior Pakistani intelligence official said Badruddin had fled a compound that he and other militants were in after it was hit by a missile, then was killed by a second drone strike on a car that he was in.

There was no official word on Badruddin's fate from the Haqqani network. Other intelligence officials were more cautious.

"Our informers have told us that he has been killed in the drone attack on the 21st but we cannot confirm it," said one of the Pakistani intelligence officials.

If Badruddin's death is confirmed, it could deal a major blow to the Haqqanis, one of the United States's most feared enemies in Afghanistan.

The Haqqanis are the most experienced fighters in Afghanistan and the loss of one of the group's most important leaders could ease pressure on NATO as it prepares to withdraw most of its combat troops at the end of 2014.

"We are 90 percent sure that he was in the same house which was attacked with a drone on Tuesday," said another Pakistani intelligence official.

Sources close to the Haqqqani network also said Badruddin was believed to be in the house, hit by a drone strike as militants were planting explosives in a vehicle meant to be used for an attack on NATO forces in Afghanistan.

"The drone fired two missiles on the house last Tuesday and killed 25 people, most of them members of the Haqqani family," one of the sources said.

Pakistani Taliban and tribal sources said they believed Badruddin was killed in the drone attack.

One of Badruddin's relatives said he was alive and busy with his "jihad activities".

"Such claims are baseless," he told Reuters. Another relative told Reuters Badruddin is "alive and well".

Afghanistan's Taliban movement, allies of the Haqqani network, said Badruddin was alive.


A series of drone strikes in North Waziristan this week suggest the CIA, which remotely operates the aircraft, was after a high-value militant target in the unruly area.

The deaths of militants in such strikes are difficult to confirm because they often occur in remote areas of regions in the northwest like North Waziristan that are hard for authorities to reach.

U.S. officials blame the al Qaeda-linked network for some of the boldest attacks in Afghanistan, including one on embassies and parliament in Kabul in April which lasted 18 hours, killing 11 Afghan security forces and four civilians.

The United States accuses Pakistan's intelligence agency of supporting the Haqqani network and using it as a proxy in Afghanistan to gain leverage against the growing influence of its arch-rival India in the country.

Pakistan denies the allegations.

Militant groups from Afghanistan and Pakistan have formed alliances and often cross the porous border for operations.

A NATO air strike in eastern Afghanistan has killed a commander of the Pakistani Taliban, both NATO and the Taliban said on Saturday.

Both sides identified the dead commander as Mullah Dadullah and said several of his comrades were also killed in the attack on Friday.

A NATO statement did not say who carried out the assault, but the alliance is alone in having the air power to conduct such an operation. It said Dadullah's deputy, Shakir, was also killed.

"Dadullah, also known as Jamal, was responsible for the movement of fighters and weapons, as well as attacks against Afghan and coalition forces," the statement said.

It said Afghan and coalition forces backing the Kabul government had "conducted a post-strike assessment" and found that there had been no civilian casualties or damage to civilian property.

Pakistani Taliban officials, as well as Pakistani intelligence officials said Dadullah had been killed in a house in eastern Konar province, along with 12 bodygards. They said he was the leader of the Taliban in Pakistan's Bajaur tribal agency, near the border with Afghanistan.

Dadullah, in his 40s, replaced Maulvi Faqir Mohammad last year after Mohammad told the media that the Taliban were holding peace talks with the government.

The Pakistani Taliban, committed to the same Islamist principles as the Taliban ousted from power in Kabul in 2001, replaced Mohammad with Dadullah to undercut the secret negotiations, Taliban commanders say.

Some Pakistani Taliban fighters and commanders were forced to flee into Afghanistan after the Pakistani army launched a series of offensives against them in 2008 and 2009.

But they still carry out cross-border raids on Pakistani armed forces. In June, the Pakistani Taliban said they beheaded 17 Pakistani soldiers in a cross-border raid.

(Additional reporting by Hamid Shalizi and Amie Ferris-Rotman in KABUL; Editing by Ron Popeski)


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Kingston Real Estate, Moving, Relocation ? Picking the Right ...

Kingston Real Estate, Moving, Relocation ? Picking the Right Movers

So you have decided to move ? now the fun begins of having your personal belongings all relocated to your new home.? With a vast number of options to pick from from doing it yourself to hiring the pros, here are some tips to assist you:
? Ask for recommendations from friends other professionals in the local real estate industry.
? Beware of fly-by-night operations. They may seem like a bargain, but you get what you pay for.
? Does the company provide you with a written estimate and contract? (Beware of movers that just give you a price over the phone.)
? Ask if they are covered by insurance, and what their policy is regarding lost or broken items. Make sure you receive a copy of their insurance certificate.

Finally, always ask what circumstances would result in extra charges being applied. The number one complaint received about movers by the Better Business Bureau is unexpected extra charges.
Questions about moving? Call today.? I?ve had experience with all the options ? see my blog post here for my past story.


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Saturday, August 25, 2012

Chattanooga Real Estate Market ? Builder Confidence Up ...

Fox News reports that the August home builder confidence index is up.? Builders are feeling better about building new homes.? The inventory of new homes is going down, so the demand for new homes is up.

I just sold a great new home built by Choo Choo Homes in Ooltewah, TN, a week ago.? They have been building homes for 26 years, and they do a good job of it.??John Stutz, of Choo Choo Homes,?told me that the banks are letting them build a very small number of homes at a time compared to the post-2008 lending market.? This is a builder with a long track record, but the banks are?still being overly cautious with him.? Even?Jay Bell, the 2nd generation of Bell Construction in Chattanooga, TN,?told me that the banks would only let him build 1 house at a time per subdivision when the market was at its lowest point 2 years ago.? Overly strict lending is keeping builders from building more new homes at the moment, but the confidence to?build new homes?is there.

See all New Real Estate in Chattanooga, TN by clicking here:?

Search for any home for sale in the Chattanooga area at

Here is the Fox News Video with the National Association of Home Builders CEO


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Report warns of India nuclear power safety

An Indian government auditing agency criticized India's Atomic Energy Regulatory Board for not being truly autonomous and for its lack of a radiation safety policy.

India's Comptroller and Auditor General, in a report released Wednesday, warned that a Fukushima or Chernobyl-like disaster could occur in India if the government doesn't address nuclear safety, NDTV reports.

While AERB is responsible for supervising safety issues for the plants, it doesn't have power to make rules, enforce compliance or impose penalty in cases of nuclear safety oversight, the report states.

No legislative framework is in place for decommissioning of nuclear power plants, says CAG. Furthermore, AERB doesn't have a mandate other than the prescribing of codes, guides and safety manuals on decommissioning.

The report says that in the 13 years since AERB's safety manual was issued, "none of the nuclear power plants in the country, including those operating for 30 years, and those which had been shut down, had any decommissioning plan."

India's 20 nuclear plants have an installed capacity of 4,780 megawatts. The government aims to generate 20,000 megawatts of power from nuclear power by 2020.

But proposed construction sites have faced fierce opposition from locals and activists.

The auditing agency also said that AERB had no radiation safety policy in place.

"At the policy level, AERB has not yet prepared a radiation safety policy even after three decades of its existence. Standard setting is an essential part of the functions of a regulatory authority," the report said.

AERB Secretary R. Bhattacharya told the publication Livemint that "there's no document that says 'Radiation Safety Policy,' but we have detailed codes and guides on managing ionizing and non-ionizing radiation."

"It's at the core of what we do," Bhattacharya said.

Independent experts say changes are necessary at AERB.

"The formation of AERB has never been an open, transparent process," Livemint quoted M.P. Ram Mohan, a fellow at The Energy and Resources Institute and a nuclear policy researcher, as saying.

"Also, a law to manage hazardous nuclear waste has been in draft discussions for years now. Hopefully, CAG's report could trigger some action."

NTPC, the country's largest power producer, separately announced this week that it has put on hold its plans to set up nuclear power projects jointly with Nuclear Power Corporation of India, reports The Hindu newspaper.

An unnamed NTPC official in The Hindu report said around 40 engineers from NPCIL's Mumbai office who were being trained to build nuclear plants have been relocated to NTPC's thermal power plants.


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Power Rankings: August 25, 2012

All WWE programming, talent names, images, likenesses, slogans, wrestling moves, trademarks, logos and copyrights are the exclusive property of WWE, Inc. and its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. ? 2012 WWE, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This website is based in the United States. By submitting personal information to this website you consent to your information being maintained in the U.S., subject to applicable U.S. laws. U.S. law may be different than the law of your home country. WrestleMania XXIX (NY/NJ) logo TM & ? 2012 WWE. All Rights Reserved. The Empire State Building design is a registered trademark and used with permission by ESBC.


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Friday, August 24, 2012

Rapid-scanning microscope with no loss of quality

ScienceDaily (Aug. 23, 2012) ? Researchers at the University of Leicester have developed a new form of digital microscope which can create an image 100 times faster than regular equipment -- without losing image quality.

The team of scientists have developed a new type of confocal microscope that produces high-resolution images at very fast speeds.

The findings are due to be published on the online journal PLoS ONE on August 24.

The device, which takes a cue from consumer electronics such as televisions, can be bolted on to a regular microscopes and projects light through a system of mirrors on to the microscopic sample.

The device projects patterns of illumination onto the specimen, and only light that is precisely in the plane of focus returns along the same path and is reflected by the mirror onto a camera to form an image.

The ability to be able to program the mirror device allows the illumination pattern to be adjusted easily for different types of specimens and conditions giving ease of use and flexibility.

Unwanted light that comes from regions of the specimen which are out of focus are rejected, improving the image quality.

The resulting images can be scanned on a computer at around 100 frames per second, showing biological processes such as cell activity at much higher speeds than regular microscopes -- which tend to be capped at around 1 frame per second.

The Leicester team's microscope has no moving parts, making it robust, and the use of a programmable, digital micro-mirror allows the user to alter the size and spacing of mirrors in order to choose the quality of the image and adapt to different imaging conditions. Consequently, it has much greater flexibility than other microscopes capable of similar speeds.

The researchers believe this technology will be a big help to those working in many scientific fields, including biomedical research and neuroscience.

The research was led by Professor Nick Hartell, of the University's Department of Cell Physiology and Pharmacology, who plans to use the new device for his own work studying the cell mechanisms involved in the brain's storage of memories.

The project last for three years and was funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), which has also provided funding for the team to develop the device as a commercial product.

Professor Hartell said: "We built the device as there is a 'need for speed'. I found out about this technology from its use in projectors and realized that it could be used to develop a microscope.

"Modern biological research, and modern neuroscience, depends upon the development of new technologies that allow the optical detection of biological events as they occur. Many biological events take place in the millisecond time scale and so there is a great need for new methods of detecting events at high speed and at high resolution.

"We are very excited because we have been able to go from a concept, to a working prototype that is useful for my research into neuroscience. There is a good chance that we will be able to make a product and see that being used in labs in the UK and worldwide."

Neil Radford from the University's Enterprise and Business Development Office adds "This capability provides a breakthrough from traditional Nipkov disk technologies and Professor Hartell is now working closely with us to commercialize the technology with a leading scientific instrument manufacturer."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of Leicester, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Franck P. Martial, Nicholas A. Hartell. Programmable Illumination and High-Speed, Multi-Wavelength, Confocal Microscopy Using a Digital Micromirror. PLoS ONE, 2012; 7 (8): e43942 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043942

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Nursing Informatics - Integrating Well being Care With Facts ...

From Multiverse

Exactly what is Nursing Informatics?

Nursing Informatics is the integration of medical nursing with info conduite and pc processes. It is a relatively new emphasis in wellbeing care that mixes nursing skills with details technological innovation know-how. Nurse informatics specialists manage and converse nursing information and knowledge to further improve determination generating by consumers, sufferers, nurses along with other wellness care suppliers. Att Systems

The nursing approach has four principal actions: planning, implementation, analysis, and assessment. Nevertheless, for the reason that data administration is integrated into the nursing procedure and apply, some nursing communities identify a fifth stage from the nursing system: documentation. Documentation and patient-centered care would be the main parts of the nursing course of action. Automated documentation is vitally critical, not merely for nursing, but for all patient care. Up-to-date, exact details at just about every phase from the nursing system will be the vital to protected, significant superior patient-centered treatment. Tan Ann Jee

The successful implementation of knowledge devices in nursing and wellbeing treatment needs the next: To begin with, it is necessary to own properly built programs that assist the nursing system inside the tradition of an organization. The second requirement is obtaining the acceptance and integration of knowledge devices to the standard workflow on the nursing method and client care. Ultimately, it is actually critical to get methods that can assistance the previously pointed out factors. Among the list of best and useful sources a health care corporation can increase can be a Nurse informatics authorities.

Nursing Informatics Authorities

Nursing Informatics Experts are specialist clinicians using an considerable scientific follow history. These individuals have encounter in utilizing and applying the nursing system. These nurses have fantastic analytical and significant considering capabilities. Additionally they understand the client treatment delivery workflow and integration factors for automatic documentation. Owning added instruction and experience with information solutions can be critical for this occupation. Ultimately, Nursing Informaticists are fantastic project professionals due to the similarity involving the task management process and also the nursing course of action.

To become aggressive in this particular area an individual should turn out to be acquainted with relational databases by having a category about database structure. They ought to also come to be knowledgeable and comfy with MS Workplace, especially Excel, Entry and Visio.

Why these job opportunities are important to Health care?

Nurse and overall health informatics bring a substantial amount of benefit to sufferers and also the wellness treatment technique. Some samples of how they supply benefit incorporate:

Offer Assistance into the nursing operate processes utilizing technological know-how Rising the precision and completeness of nursing documentation Strengthening the nurse's workflow Automating the collection and reuse of nursing information Facilitating evaluation of clinical data Offering nursing articles to standardized languages HIMSS and RHIO

To offer some history around the field of healthcare/nursing informatics, there are some governing bodies for this discipline. The Health care Information and Management Programs Modern society (HIMSS) is definitely the most important governing physique for well being treatment and nursing informatics authorities. This group, shaped in 2004, has the subsequent four ambitions: NI awareness, instruction, assets (which include web-sites), and RHIO (Regional Overall health Info Group).

RHIOs are also recognized as Community Health Information and facts Networks (CHINs). These are definitely the networks that link medical professionals, hospitals, laboratories, radiology facilities and insurance policy firms.All of them share and transmit affected individual information electronically by a protected method. These businesses which can be an element of RHIOs possess a small business curiosity in improving the caliber of healthcare getting administered.

Actions to your Position with this Subject

To enter to the nursing informatics subject, commonly you would like at least a four year diploma. You will discover specific health and fitness informatics degrees accessible. Getting your Bachelor's of Science in Nursing (BSN) is usually a need in advance of sitting down for your ANCC certifications examination for Nursing Informatics. Some folks start with simply a two yr diploma or diploma, but continue on on to generate their BSN before turning into certified. While there are lots of different routes for entering into the field, by far the most favored fashion is to get a Master's in Nursing Informatics within the commence, nonetheless, most individuals begin their job in advance of making their master's diploma.

Most nurses that are while in the informatics subject start in the specialty location, such as the Intensive Treatment Unit (ICU), Perioperative Solutions (OR), Med-Surg, Orthopedic Nursing, or Oncology, in order to name a few, and operate in that specialty subject for an extended time period. Operating in the specialty spot helps nurses get to understand the usual functioning processes and routines together with understand the client treatment approach inside their specialty. They typically are professionals at their specialty and after that acquire pursuits in computerized documentation or various other technological health care concentration. They then are inclined to little by little move into an data solutions clinical aid purpose.

Should you have an fascination in nursing and technological know-how, this could be a job that can match each of those capabilities into just one gratifying occupation.


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