Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Lab-Grown Leather Could Be a Reality In 5 Years

Leather as a material is actually very interesting.

Light, Flexible, Sturdy, Tough, and a great insulator.

Still there isn't a replacement for it in a lot of protective gear. Such as Motorcycle jackets, they are not to make you look bad-ass but if you fall off your bike as an armor so you don't scrape yourself all up. Metal and Plastic is too ridgid, or too flimsy. Leather has the perfect use.

However I don't see much of a market for artificial leather, only because we are still eating cows. Most farms don't produce leather only cattle, but beef cattle what use the hides for leather.

Now if this technology makes affordable meat like it thinks it could, then perhaps artifical leather can come in.

Source: http://rss.slashdot.org/~r/Slashdot/slashdotScience/~3/GAFoWGzLhWw/lab-grown-leather-could-be-a-reality-in-5-years

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