Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Keyes to succeed Kuester as Wisconsin Energy CFO

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/vertical_13/~3/529epJpbS5M/keyes-to-succeed-kuester-as-wisconsin.html

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Marriages and Collaborations | OpenText Fax & Document ...

Isn?t it nice when you find out that the girl who teased you in middle school actually just had a crush on you?

Isn?t it even nicer when you meet again years later and fall in love?

The cherry on top is when you marry and create a whole new entity comprised of only the best parts of the two of you.

I am probably naive to compare a very tangible business win to an intangible concept like love, but the 2012 FDDG Sales Kick-Off felt, at the very least, like a great first date.

The truth is ?mergers and acquisitions? can be (and should be) mutually beneficial to all parties involved. Such is the case for us right now as we welcome a new partner to our team.

For the first time since OpenText announced its acquisition of communications powerhouse EasyLink July 7, sales and executive leadership from the two teams came together in Tucson last week to meet face to face and talk about the future of secure information exchange.

One question had the 2012 Sales Kick-Off event buzzing with anticipation: now that we are far and away the world?s leading provider of information exchange solutions, what do we do next?

The overwhelming tone throughout the week in Tucson was one of excitement, collaboration and creativity. It is a relief to finally be on the same team with this fellow market leader. We took advantage of our time together to talk candidly about our products? strengths and to compare our road maps for continued growth. This partnership represents a mountain of opportunity unlike anything else we have seen to date.? Fortunately, because we have shared the same marketplace for so many years, we all spoke the same jargon; a babble of acronyms likely unintelligible to anyone outside of voice or information technology.

EasyLink brings a variety of sophisticated notification and messaging tools to the table. These tools, (namely EDI Services, Notifications, and Fax Services), represent an immediate broadening of our portfolio, and a game-changer for our future market trajectory.

Most significantly, the addition of EasyLink to the OpenText Fax and Document Distribution Group has allowed us to unveil the long-awaited OpenText Cloud, our first true foray into what is fast becoming the standard forum for secure, any-to-any information exchange.

I?m still relatively new here, but with so many new faces and talents joining us all at once from EasyLink ? in addition to several recent key promotions and new hires in our existing sales and management teams ? I can almost taste the opportunity that lies ahead of us. I wish I could say more???.but that would be telling. After all, we do still have a couple of pesky competitors out there to take care of.

Look out for some new names in the fax solutions blog over the coming weeks as many of our sales professionals will be contributing for the first time. If you have any topics you?d like discussed here in the blog or offline, feel free to contact me at jblock@opentext.com.

To learn more about EasyLink and OpenText, please visit us at our website:?http://faxsolutions.opentext.com/


Related posts:

  1. Communication Just Got a Little Easier
  2. Press Release: OpenText Announces The OpenText Cloud
  3. Cisco Live 2012: Business or Pleasure?

Source: http://faxsolutionsblog.opentext.com/2012/07/30/2012-fddg-sales-kick-off-marriages-and-additions/

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Home Remodeling Recommendations That Could Benefit Everyone ?

Folks usually assume that boosting their residence is just too tough to allow them to do. Even so, if you do not shut your thoughts away and off to going through a new challenge, it could be rather the educative expertise. The piece listed below is loaded with concepts and assistance effective at creating your house advancement experience a nice and gratifying one.

If your present residence is lacking in the square footage for any washer and dryer, you might look at buying an area-preserving combination system. Combo models are piled and take up fifty percent the room. A combination system washes the garments and once done switches to a clothes dryer.

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Have tool boxes that include instruments and components for particular tasks. As an example, a plumbing toolbox could contain pipe accessories, wrenches and PVC fasten. Make one more package for your personal electrical resources and items. This will allow you to have the ability to locate any one of the tools you want right away.

Usually do not overlook security in your home remodeling tasks. When you overlook this, your own home could be broken or you might be damage. Before heading to operate, you should assessment all of your current tools? directions and basic safety safety measures. Find someone to indicate the way you use an instrument securely for you personally in the event you haven?t done it prior to.

Do you loathe that outdated dresser in a corner of your room? Why not provide your outdated furnishings to life by sanding them straight down and refinishing them. Whenever you handle a refinishing undertaking it will save you a lot of money and as a result your decor will look attractively refurbished. There are numerous colors you may mark your household furniture.

Fed up with your bedroom?s old dresser? A wonderful way to reinvigorate worn furnishings are to beach sand down and revarnish them. Once you take on a refinishing task it will save you lots of money and consequently your furniture will be superbly renovated. It is possible to stain older household furniture a wide variety of colours.

Prior to starting any redecorating task, spend some time to understand your desired goals. You?ll be introducing personalized details if you carry out a project.

When readying a residence available for purchase and doing makeovers, make sure to understand that the outside the home needs to be handled initially. The entrance charm of your home is what will push customers to come on the inside for a good look.

Stucco bring a great alternative for exterior siding on the property. Outside the house exterior siding is not difficult and fast to set up but you may want permits and expert guidance. Once mounted, exterior exterior siding will last for quite some time.

Have you considered producing the outer of your residence an improvement project? It is possible to change your yard into an extension of the home. It will be ideal for soothing or throwing an event with friends and family.

A neighborhood can help to save on its redesigning costs by setting up a ?neighborhood instrument chest area.? You could also acquire equipment form other people rather than buying new devices for your personal assignments. Also you can merge your property development know-how along with your neighbor?s, so you equally reward.

Keep the water usage in your mind when determining how to update your property. There are actually a range of lavatories, very hot water heaters and shower room heads at your home development store, all sure to reduce drinking water use. Updating lighting fixtures and appliances to better types not merely increases the price of your own home but it appears more desirable also.

It will take a lot of study and work to turn out to be great at redesigning, no matter how good you may think you happen to be at it. The training process with home remodeling by no means ends, and you may constantly improve. This post resolved a lot of hint that can help you figure out how to do most redecorating tasks.

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Source: http://all-articles-directory.com/home-remodeling-recommendations-that-could-benefit-everyone-4/

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Romney comments at fundraiser outrage Palestinians

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney talks to strategist Stuart Stevens, right, as adviser Lanhee Chen is seen at left as they board their charter plane in Tel Aviv, Israel as they travel to Poland, Monday, July 30, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney talks to strategist Stuart Stevens, right, as adviser Lanhee Chen is seen at left as they board their charter plane in Tel Aviv, Israel as they travel to Poland, Monday, July 30, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

American businessman Sheldon Adelson, who has said he will donate millions to Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's campaign, is seated before Romney delivers a speech in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney delivers a speech in Jerusalem, Sunday, July 29, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and his wife Ann board their charter plane in Tel Aviv, Israel as they travel to Poland, Monday, July 30, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

Republican presidential candidate and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and his wife Ann board their charter plane in Tel Aviv, Israel as they travel to Poland, Monday, July 30, 2012. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)

(AP) ? Mitt Romney told Jewish donors Monday that their culture is part of what has allowed them to be more economically successful than the Palestinians, outraging Palestinian leaders who suggested his comments were racist and out of touch with the realities of the Middle East. Romney's campaign later said his remarks were mischaracterized.

"As you come here and you see the GDP per capita, for instance, in Israel which is about $21,000, and compare that with the GDP per capita just across the areas managed by the Palestinian Authority, which is more like $10,000 per capita, you notice such a dramatically stark difference in economic vitality," the Republican presidential candidate told about 40 wealthy donors who ate breakfast at the luxurious King David Hotel.

Romney said some economic histories have theorized that "culture makes all the difference."

"And as I come here and I look out over this city and consider the accomplishments of the people of this nation, I recognize the power of at least culture and a few other things," Romney said, citing an innovative business climate, the Jewish history of thriving in difficult circumstances and the "hand of providence." He said similar disparity exists between neighboring countries, like Mexico and the United States.

Palestinian reaction was swift and pointed.

"It is a racist statement and this man doesn't realize that the Palestinian economy cannot reach its potential because there is an Israeli occupation," said Saeb Erekat, a senior aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

"It seems to me this man lacks information, knowledge, vision and understanding of this region and its people," Erekat added. "He also lacks knowledge about the Israelis themselves. I have not heard any Israeli official speak about cultural superiority."

As criticism mounted while Romney traveled to Poland, campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul said: "His comments were grossly mischaracterized." The campaign contends Romney's comparison of countries that are close to each other and have wide income disparities ? the U.S. and Mexico, Chile and Ecuador ? shows his comments were broader than just the comparison between Israel and Palestine.

At the White House, spokesman Josh Earnest said Romney's comments appeared to have left some people "scratching their heads a little bit."

"One of the challenges of being an actor on the international stage, particularly when you're traveling to such a sensitive part of the world, is that your comments are very closely scrutinized for meaning, for nuance, for motivation," he said.

Earnest sidestepped questions about whether Obama agreed with Romney's comments about culture, saying only that Obama believed economic issues are among the wide range of matters that would need to be addressed by the Israelis and Palestinians during peace talks.

While speaking to U.S. audiences, Romney often highlights culture as a key to economic success and emphasizes the power of the American entrepreneurial spirit compared to the values of other countries. But his decision to highlight cultural differences in a region where such differences have helped fuel violence for generations raises new questions about the former businessman's diplomacy skills.

As he has at home, Romney in Jerusalem cited a book titled, "Guns, Germs and Steel," that suggests the physical characteristics of the land account for the differences in the success of the people that live there.

"And you look at Israel and you say you have a hard time suggesting that all of the natural resources on the land could account for all the accomplishment of the people here," Romney said, before citing another book, "The Wealth and Poverty of Nations," by former Harvard professor David Landes.

This book, Romney said in Jerusalem, concludes that "if you could learn anything from the economic history of the world it's this: Culture makes all the difference. Culture makes all the difference."

The economic disparity between the Israelis and the Palestinians is actually much greater than Romney stated. Israel had a per capita gross domestic product of about $31,000 in 2011, while the West Bank and Gaza had a per capita GDP of just over $1,500, according to the World Bank.

Romney, seated next to billionaire casino owner Sheldon Adelson at the head of the table, told donors that he had read books and relied on his own business experience to understand why the difference in economic disparity between countries is so great.

His comparison of the two economies did not take into account the stifling effect the Israeli occupation has had on the Palestinian economy in the West Bank, Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem ? areas Israel captured in 1967 where the Palestinians hope to establish a state.

In the West Bank, Palestinians have only limited self-rule. Israel controls all border crossings in and out of the territory, and continues to restrict Palestinian trade and movement. Israel annexed east Jerusalem in 1967, but has invested much less heavily there than in Jewish west Jerusalem.

And although Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip in 2005, it continues to control access and has enforced a crippling border blockade since the Islamic militant Hamas seized the territory in 2007.

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund have said the Palestinian economy can only grow if Israel lifts those restrictions.

"It's Israeli occupiers and Palestinians under occupation, and that's why Palestinians cannot realize their potential," Erekat said.

The breakfast with top donors ? including New York Jets owner Woody Johnson and hedge fund manager Paul Singer ? concluded Romney's visit to Israel, the second leg of a three-nation tour designed to bolster his foreign policy credentials.

Standing on Israeli soil for the first time as the GOP's presumptive presidential nominee, Romney on Sunday declared Jerusalem to be the Israeli capital and said the U.S. has promised never to "look away from our passion and commitment to Israel."

The status of Jerusalem is a critical issue in peace talks between the Israelis and the Palestinians.

In Israel, Romney did not meet with Abbas or visit the West Bank. He met briefly with Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad.

Romney's campaign says the trip, which began in England last week, is aimed at improving the former Massachusetts governor's foreign policy experience through a series of meetings with foreign leaders. The candidate has largely avoided direct criticism of U.S. President Barack Obama while abroad.

The Jerusalem fundraiser, however, was a political event that raised more than $1 million for Romney's campaign. It marks at least the second fundraiser during the tour. The first, in London, attracted about 250 people to a $2,500-per-person fundraiser.

Both candidates have aggressively courted American donors living abroad, a legal practice that has been used for decades.

Romney's declaration that Jerusalem is Israel's capital was in keeping with claims made by Israeli governments for decades, even though the United States, like other nations, maintains its embassy in Tel Aviv.

His remarks on the subject drew a standing ovation from the audience, which included Adelson, the American businessman who has promised to donate more than $100 million to help defeat Obama.

Romney flew to the Middle East from Britain, where he caused a stir by questioning whether officials there were fully prepared for the Olympic Games. A stop in Poland will complete his trip.

Four years ago, Obama visited Israel as a presidential candidate, part of a five-nation trip meant to establish his own foreign policy credentials.

Romney's stop in Israel also was designed to appeal to evangelical voters at home and cut into Obama's support among Jewish voters and donors. A Gallup survey of Jewish voters released Friday showed Obama with a 68-25 edge over Romney.

Romney and other Republicans have said Obama is insufficiently supportive of Israel.


Associated Press writers Amy Teibel in Jerusalem and Steve Peoples in Washington contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2012-07-30-Romney/id-ec11b689a4d84f15bdbdd76aaa563319

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Best Ways To Increase Your Home-based Business Achievement ...

Operating a home-based business is surely an fascinating business. it can be a tiny terrifying, also. there are many what you should discover as well as coordinate. You need to discover an everyday regimen, keep enhancing your abilities, and look after plenty of paperwork. The tips in this article will make these activities and more a lot easier for you personally.

Study tax laws and regulations that suitable federally and so on a condition level. it is important for that home based business to keep up-to-day with existing tax regulations. a failure to achieve this could result in kitty atrophy together with the IRS and express companies. this can easily be achieved on the web research as well as the many software applications for your business from home.

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Consider any legal guidelines regarding safety for that home-based business you intend to begin, and also keep in mind that people are living in your house together with you and you?ll need to have to keep them risk-free at the same time. as an example, a carpenter ought to set a lock on his workshop so no systems could possibly get in and hammer a finger!

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Microsoft Surface to arrive on Oct. 26, says SEC filing

4 hrs.

If you happened to peruse?the annual report Microsoft filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) this week, you may notice that a rather obvious little bit of news was?confirmed?in the documents: That the Redmond-based company's?Surface tablets will hit shelves on Oct. 26, along with Windows 8.

The detail is mentioned quite casually in the report:

The next version of our operating system, Windows 8, will be generally available on October?26, 2012. At that time, we will begin selling the Surface, a series of Microsoft-designed and manufactured hardware devices.

CNET's Brooke Crothers was among the first to call attention to the line in the SEC report.?As he points out, the time frame has been suggested before, though not confirmed to the exact day. And what's frustrating is, it's still not confirmed.?

We called up Microsoft's PR folks to get the confirmation directly, but when we heard back, all the spokesperson would say is that the original statement about the Surface still stands:

When Microsoft announced the device last month in L.A., they indicated that "Surface for Windows RT will release with the general availability of Windows 8, and the Windows 8 Pro model will be available about 90 days later."

Why confirm it in investment documentation, but not confirm it directly to reporters? Regardless,?whether it hits on Oct. 26 or just after, we're looking forward to testing it out. ?

Want more tech news?or interesting?links? You'll get plenty of both if you keep up with Rosa Golijan, the writer of this post, by following her on?Twitter, subscribing to her?Facebook?posts,?or circling her?on?Google+.


Source: http://www.technolog.msnbc.msn.com/technology/technolog/microsoft-surface-arrive-oct-26-says-sec-filing-916583

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New dimension of physics research: Cutting the graphene cake

ScienceDaily (July 25, 2012) ? Researchers at The University of Manchester have demonstrated that graphene can be used as a building block to create new 3D crystal structures which are not confined by what nature can produce.

Sandwiching individual graphene sheets between insulating layers in order to produce electrical devices with unique new properties, the method could open up a new dimension of physics research.

Writing in Nature Materials, the scientists show that a new side-view imaging technique can be used to visualize the individual atomic layers of graphene within the devices they have built. They found that the structures were almost perfect even when more than 10 different layers were used to build the stack.

This surprising result indicates that the latest techniques of isolating graphene could be a huge leap forward for engineering at the atomic level.

This development gives more weight to graphene's suitability as a major component in the next generation of computer chips.

The researchers' side-view imaging approach works by first extracting a thin slice from the centre of the device. This is similar to cutting through a rock to reveal the geological layers or slicing into a chocolate gateaux to reveal the individual layers of icing.

The scientists used a beam of ions to cut into the surface of the graphene and dig a trench on either side of the section they wanted to isolate. They then removed a thin slice of the device.

Wonder material graphene is a two dimensional material consisting of a single layer of carbon atoms arranged in a honeycomb or chicken wire structure. It is the thinnest material in the world and yet is also one of the strongest. It conducts electricity as efficiently as copper and outperforms all other materials as a conductor of heat.

Demonstrating its remarkable properties won Professor Andre Geim and Professor Kostya Novoselov the Nobel prize for Physics in 2010. The University of Manchester is building a state-of-the-art National Graphene Institute to continue to lead the way in graphene research.

Dr Sarah Haigh, from The University of Manchester's School of Materials, said: "The difference is that our slices are only around 100 atoms thick and this allows us to visualize the individual atomic layers of graphene in projection.

"We have found that the observed roughness of the graphene is correlated with their conductivity. Of course we have to make all our electrical measurements before cutting into the device. We were also able to observe that the layers were perfectly clean and that any debris left over from production segregated into isolated pockets and so did not affect device performance.

"We plan to use this new side view imaging approach to improve the performance of our graphene devices."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Manchester University, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. S. J. Haigh, A. Gholinia, R. Jalil, S. Romani, L. Britnell, D. C. Elias, K. S. Novoselov, L. A. Ponomarenko, A. K. Geim, R. Gorbachev. Cross-sectional imaging of individual layers and buried interfaces of graphene-based heterostructures and superlattices. Nature Materials, 2012; DOI: 10.1038/NMAT3386

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.

Source: http://feeds.sciencedaily.com/~r/sciencedaily/~3/jkArl8UpuLw/120729142158.htm

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Find Your Passion | Balance Personal Training

Posted in July 30, 2012 ? 11:19 AMh.Eric Foxman

How motivated are you by your health and fitness goals? Are they inspiring you to get off the couch? Do you feel fired up to go to the gym? Losing weight for your cousin?s up-coming wedding or dropping four pants sizes are good goals, but are you passionate about them? So often people will say ?Eric, I went to the gym 3 times this week.? That?s great. Was it productive? Did you enjoy it? Is it moving you closer toward your goal? Or did you go just so you could mark it off your list?

This brings us back to the basics of goal setting. Bigger than your health and fitness goal is the WHY of your goal. Like you, I have trained hard and cleaned up my diet for upcoming trips, 5k runs, weddings, etc. Those are good motivators and have helped me to stay focused and get in better shape, but what?s the bigger picture? After you get healthy and fit what are you going to DO with that healthy and fit body? Try a new sport? Maybe teach somebody else how you achieved your goal(s)? If this is getting under your skin, that?s good.

Be passionate about using your body. Test yourself. Enjoy the competition, whether it?s with yourself or with others. Remember, it?s not all about the goal, it?s about striving, aiming and reaching for your goal. It?s the journey, the experience.

In previous posts, I?ve talked about my oldest brother, Ken. He is built like a linebacker, lifts weights like a powerlifter, but also plays doubles tennis. Confused? He definitely breaks the mould. His zest for life is infectious. When we spend time together or talk on the phone I always enjoy hearing about a recent tennis match or weight lifting accomplishment.

If you want to see passion firsthand, I strongly encourage you to watch the London Olympics. The athletes definitely bring the Olympic Creed to life. ?The most important thing is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle. The essential thing is not to have conquered but to have fought well.?

You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Source: http://www.balancepersonaltraining.com/2012/07/30/find-your-passion/

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DLF to sell its 17.5-acre land in Mumbai's Lower ... - Real Estate India

??|?? July 30, 2012 ?? 11:39am ??|Contributed by MANOJa

NEW DELHI: DLF, the country?s largest developer, will sell its 17.5-acre land in Mumbai?s Lower Parel to Lodha Group and a private equity player for about Rs 2,800 crore, ending its long-drawn bid to break ground in India?s financial capital.

The deal will help the Delhi-based builder pare part of its burgeoning debt that had reached Rs 22,725 crore by March 31, a top company official said. ?The legal documentation will be completed in the next one week,? he said.

The buyers have paid an advance, and the final terms of the deal are currently being worked out, the person said. DLF will get the entire Rs 2,700-2,800 crore in one go within two months.

The cash-rich Lodha Group, which is building the world?s tallest residential tower in Mumbai, will bring in Rs 1,000 crore, while the balance will be paid by the PE fund, the person said without naming the private equity fund.

Lodha Group MD Abhisheck Lodha confirmed he is part of the transaction, but refused to share details of the deal. ?We aren?t in a position to give any comments on the transaction,? he said through a mobile text message. A spokesperson for DLF said the company does not comment on speculation.

DLF bought the land for Rs 702 crore in an auction in 2005 from state-owned National Textile Corporation. It had changed its developmental plans for the plot thrice-from building a retail mall to commercial office buildings to finally a residential project-before it decided to sell it a year ago.

DLF and many other builders piled up huge debt when demand for residential and commercial property fell during the 2008-09 slump after years of boom when the sector grew rapidly.

DLF Selling Non-Core Assets to Cut Debt

The company is in the process of selling several non-core assets including land parcels, SEZs and some office buildings, to reduce its debt.

DLF had been trying to sell the Lower Parel land for about a year, but was finding it difficult to get the right value. Potential buyers renewed interest in the asset after new development control rules in Mumbai were notified in January, which cleared the air about how much space can be built on the land parcel and the amount of extra FSI that can be bought.

Lodha and DLF have been in talks for three months. Other builders such as Vallabh Sheth, Piramal, Runwal and the Wadhwa Group, and sovereign funds like GIC and Macquarie too had shown interest in the land. Lodha-which has several landmark projects in the Lower Parel area including the 117-storey World One residential tower-plans to build a highend residential project at the new location, an official said.

Besides luxury homes, the company may also construct houses for the mid-income group because of a glut of top-end apartments in central Mumbai, the person said. A recent ET report showed that close to 60% of Mumbai?s luxury apartments, under-construction and fullybuilt, remain unsold because of rising prices and oversupply. There are currently 3,300 luxury apartments being developed in Mumbai.

Lodha-DLF deal will be the largest land deal where the seller gets the entire payment in one go. BPTP?s Rs 5,006-crore buy of a land parcel on the Noida Expressway, which is the largest deal so far in the country, involved staggered payments over several months and years. DLF is also working on two other-high value transactions, including the sale of the luxury hotel chain Aman Resorts (barring the Delhi property) and its wind power business, to raise over Rs 3,000 crore.

In an analyst call after its fourth quarter results, the company?s management said it has increased the overall target for asset divestments by an additional Rs 5,000 crore in the medium term. DLF?s net profits dipped 26.8% in 2011-12.

News Published Under:?? Real Estate Developers | No Comments ?


Source: http://www.indianrealtynews.com/real-estate-developers/dlf-to-sell-its-17-5-acre-land-in-mumbais-lower-parel-to-lodha-group-and-a-pe-player-for-rs-2800-crore.html

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Monday, July 30, 2012

China Green Agriculture Launched Seven New Fertilizer Products ...

China Green Agriculture, Inc. (NYSE: CGA), mainly produces and distributes humic acid-based compound fertilizers, other varieties of compound fertilizers and agricultural products through its wholly-owned subsidiaries in China, today announced that it launched seven new fertilizer products and added 49 new distributors in the fourth quarter ended June 30, 2012.

The seven new fertilizer products, including five broad-spectrum and two powder fertilizer products, were launched by Shaanxi TechTeam Jinong Humic Acid Product Co., Ltd, the Company's fertilizer operating subsidiary in Shaanxi province ("Jinong") during the fourth quarter ended June 30, 2012. During the quarter, Jinong retired 35 fertilizer products because the fertilizer products were either outdated or upgraded fertilizer products had been rolled out. The launch and retirement of fertilizer products brought the total number of Jinong's fertilizer products in use to 126.

The management estimated the seven new products contributed approximately RMB733,180 (approximately $115,256) to Jinong's fertilizer revenues during the quarter. Jinong also added 46 new distributors during the quarter, which brought the total number of Jinong's distributors to 758. These new distributors contributed approximately RMB10,852,450 (approximately $1,706,005) to Jinong's fertilizer revenues during the quarter. During the three months ended June 30, 2012, Jinong's revenue attributable to the new products distributed by its new distributors was RMB 280,600(approximately $44,110).

Posted in: News


Source: http://www.benzinga.com/news/12/07/2785575/china-green-agriculture-launched-seven-new-fertilizer-products-and-added-49-new-d

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Mountain Lion is Apple?s most successful OS X release to date

Three million copies were downloaded over the course of four days

If you haven't upgraded your Mac to Mountain Lion yet, don't be surprised if you find yourself the only one who hasn't done so among your Mac-using friends. In a statement released today, Apple revealed that three million copies of its newest operating system have been downloaded over the course of four days, leading the company to claim that it's the "most successful [OS X] release ever."

Apple's newest big cat adds features straight from the iPhone and the iPad to your Mac, including iMessage, Notification Center, and voice dictation. Installing it is easy as pie: Simply look for Mountain Lion in the Mac App Store, buy your copy for $19.99?? or get it for free if you bought your Mac on or after June 11, 2012?? and download it. Just be warned that the file is pretty huge so it may take you a while to get it.

[via Engadget]

This article was written by Mariella Moon and originally appeared on Tecca

More from Tecca:

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/technology-blog/mountain-lion-apple-most-successful-os-x-release-175841665.html

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Romanian president tries to evade impeachment

BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania's unpopular President Traian Basescu may survive an impeachment referendum on Sunday thanks to a requirement that turnout must be more than half for the vote to be valid.

Prime Minister Victor Ponta's leftist government has suspended Basescu and their campaign to unseat the president has brought a stern dressing-down from Brussels over respect for the judiciary and the rule of law.

Ponta's Social Liberal Union (USL) took office in May and is asking Romanians to vote on whether to impeach Basescu for overstepping his powers. He is unpopular for backing austerity and perceptions of cronyism.

Polls show some 65 percent want to remove former sea captain from office, but that the USL will struggle to achieve the required 50 percent plus one turnout after the opposition called for a boycott of the vote.

On Friday, the last day of campaigning, Basescu also asked for a boycott.

He had initially urged Romanians to vote to defeat what he called a coup d'etat, but his stance gradually shifted this week when he and his Democrat Liberal allies said they were concerned about the possibility of electoral fraud.

"I think there will be less than half of voters who turn up, and so Basescu will remain the president," said statistician Vlad Pietreanu.

The government had sought to make it easier to impeach Basescu by removing the minimum turnout rule, but it was forced to back down after harsh EU criticism and to abide by a Constitutional Court ruling on voter numbers.

The bickering has delayed policymaking and raised doubts over Romania's 5 billion euro International Monetary Fund-led aid deal and sent the leu currency plunging to record lows, while borrowing costs have risen.

Romania has made progress since the 1989 overthrow of communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and joined the EU in 2007, but the economy slipped back into recession in the first quarter and pockets of severe poverty remain.

Brussels has a wide range of levers to pressure Romania, whose justice system is under EU monitoring. Romania gets European cash to help it catch up with other members and the EU contributes to its IMF-led deal.

Ponta felt the full weight of EU wrath after his government took on the Constitutional Court, threatening to replace judges, reduce its powers and ignoring one of its decisions.

He committed to a series of pledges to the EU that he would respect the rule of law and independence of the judiciary, though Brussels has responded that it still has not yet seen concrete action, for example in naming a neutral public ombudsman rather than a USL loyalist.

If Basescu is impeached, a presidential election will be held within three months. USL co-leader Crin Antonescu would remain interim president until the vote, which could delay a parliamentary election currently expected in November.

(Reporting by Luiza Ilie and Sam Cage)

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/romanian-president-tries-evade-impeachment-222845423.html

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Iraq bombings kill six

Bombings in Iraq killed six people on Sunday, including two policemen, and wounded 21 others, security and medical officials said.

A car bomb in a market in Al-Muqdadiyah, 90 kilometres (55 miles) northeast of Baghdad, killed four people and wounded 13 others, a local police officer and a doctor said.

Another car bomb killed two policemen and wounded three others east of Fallujah, Lieutenant Colonel Abed Awda Ismail of the Fallujah police and doctor Assem al-Hamdani from Fallujah Hospital said.

Also in Fallujah, located west of Baghdad, a roadside bomb wounded four people, they said.

And in the north Iraq city of Kirkuk, a magnetic "sticky bomb" wounded Major Rabih Nadhim of the Oil Protection Force, while police found the body of a 27-year-old border guard north of the city, police Colonel Sherzad Arif said.

The latest violence comes after Iraq suffered a spike in unrest in June, when at least 282 people were killed, according to an AFP tally based on figures from officials and medical sources.

Violence in Iraq has declined sharply from its peak in 2006 and 2007, but attacks remain common.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/iraq-bombings-kill-six-191648117.html

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Sunday, July 29, 2012

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Source: http://guru3x.com/scott-tucker-cbs-is-usually-a-diverse-form-of-cbs/

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Add movie mogul to Bobby Valentine's resume


AP Sports Writer

Associated Press Sports

updated 4:22 p.m. ET July 28, 2012

NEW YORK (AP) - Add movie mogul to Bobby Valentine's lengthy resume.

The Boston Red Sox manager is an executive producer of a new documentary on Dominican baseball prospects, "Ballplayer: Pelotero," a film that drew criticism from baseball Commissioner Bud Selig. And his production company has more pictures in the pipeline, including a flick about the NCAA and one on his famous father-in-law, Ralph Branca.

"We're hoping to break even," Valentine said Friday night as he managed in New York for the first time since the Mets fired him after the 2002 season.

"Pelotero," which runs 72 minutes, followed two prospects as they prepared for the start of the 2009 international signing season that began July 2.

Miguel Angel Sano, a tall shortstop, was trapped because of a lengthy investigation into his age and identity by Major League Baseball. A Pittsburgh scout, Rene Gayo, was caught on a hidden recording offering to make the probe go away if he accepted a $2 million deal from the Pirates. After Sano's identity and age (16) were documented, he signed with the Minnesota Twins that October for $3.15 million - just more than half the $6 million he was hoping for.

Jean Carlos Batista, a switch-hitting shortstop, turned down Houston's opening $450,000 offer. MLB then determined his age was falsified to 16 instead of 17 and suspended him for one year, and he wound up signing with the Astros for $200,000 in November 2010.

After hearing about the movie, Selig said he "expressed our concerns to Red Sox ownership," adding he thought "there were a lot of things that were inaccurate." Since the time the documentary was filmed in 2009, MLB has taken initiatives to curb corruption and reached an agreement with its players' association on restraints for international signings.

The film makes clear the time period is 2009.

"They made a good film," said the 62-year-old Valentine, managing in the majors for the first time in a decade. "Someone looks at this and has been in baseball a while, been in Asia, been in Korea, been in Taiwan, been in Venezuela, it's the way of the land. You think when I was being signed they didn't try to tell me some things that weren't true? Of course."

And given that the verification process worked, it's hard to understand why Selig was miffed.

"MLB did a great job of catching one," Valentine said.

The three directors - Ross Finkel, Trevor Martin and Jon Paley - initially focused on five prospects. They moved to the Dominican Republic for nine months and shot 400-500 hours of video before deciding to narrow it to the pair of players who made the final cut.

"When we started, we were certainly naive about the whole process," Paley said. "Three months of editing took two years."

They ran out of money and turned to Makuhari Media, a company formed by Valentine and Andrew Muscato, a producer of the 2008 ESPN Films documentary "The Zen of Bobby V" about the manager's time with Japan's Chiba Lotte Marines. Valentine and Muscato's company provided the funds to complete the project, and now the film is in theaters and available on demand from Amazon.com and iTunes.

Planning a follow-up film, the directors are following Sano through the minor leagues and hope to add Batista if they can increase their resources.

Ranked the Twins' top prospect by Baseball America, Sano is hitting .242 with 20 homers and 70 RBIs in 98 games this season at Beloit of the Class-A Midwest League after leading the Appalachian League with 20 home runs last year. He also has 115 strikeouts in 343 at-bats this season.

"He needs to learn the strike zone a little," Valentine said. "He thinks he can hit everything now, I guess - like all 19-year-olds do."

After spending last year in the Gulf Coast League, Batista is hitting .331 with five homers and 25 RBIs for Greeneville in the Appalachian League.

A more familiar subject for Valentine is Branca, the Brooklyn Dodgers pitcher who allowed Bobby Thomson's famous "Shot Heard `Round the World" to win the 1951 NL pennant for the New York Giants. "Because of You," which has been completed but not yet released, talks to the people David Ritz spoke with as he co-authored Branca's 2011 book, "A Moment in Time."

"Have some great footage of him on `Concentration,' `The Ed Sullivan Show,"' Valentine said of the former pitcher.

Makuhari also is producing "Checkmates," about Princeton students competing at chess against inmates of a maximum-security prison in New Jersey, and Valentine said there is a project involving the National Football League Players Association that is about the NCAA.

A top player before a broken leg in 1973, Valentine also is noted for his ballroom dancing, his cooking skills and his restaurant. He has been a divisive figure in the dugout, picking feuds with the Mets' Todd Hundley and this year criticizing Boston's Kevin Youkilis, who was traded to the Chicago White Sox.

Back in the New York area, he made it home to Connecticut on his team's off day Thursday before heading back to the city because of stormy weather. He enjoys the limelight baseball has in big markets. Heading into their 100th game, the Red Sox were last in the AL East - not what Boston was looking for when Valentine was hired to replace Terry Francona after last year's September slide.

"What do you not enjoy about New York and Boston and Chicago and LA, the great markets of the United States," he said, "where cab drivers and waiters and women walking down the street all know what you're doing and what you did last night and what you have to do tonight. I think that's very cool."

In his movie career, he gets to decide the projects to focus on. In his managerial career, the spotlight finds a way of falling on him.

"When I had the other pinstripes on," he said, referring to the Mets, "it was an event every day."

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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As economy falters, Washington fails to act

Shannon Stapleton / Reuters

The economy's growth slowed in the second quarter, government data showed, as consumers, worried about jobs and wages, held back.

By John W. Schoen, NBC News

The economy is stumbling and there is little evidence that leaders in Washington are willing to act to get it moving smoothly again.

Fresh data confirmed Friday that the growth of gross domestic product slowed sharply in the past nine months.?The Commerce Department?s initial estimate pegged second-quarter growth?at a 1.5 percent annual rate, the weakest showing since the third quarter of last year.

The slowdown was brought into sharper relief following the government's?revision Friday to estimates for prior quarters. First-quarter growth was bumped up by a tenth percentage point to 2.0 percent and output for the fourth quarter was raised to a 4.1 percent rate from 3.0 percent.

The report prompted the White House to cut its growth forecast for 2012 and 2013. In its semi-annual budget review, the White House said it now expects gross domestic product to rise 2.3 percent this year and 2.7 percent again next year ? down from the 2.7 percent and 3.0 percent growth projections it made in February.

In June, the Federal Reserve lowered its prediction for growth in 2012 to 2.4 percent, a half percentage point weaker than its previous forecast in April.

The latest data show the biggest drag on growth is coming from consumer spending, which accounts for about 70 percent of economic activity. After a spending perked up last year , driven by sales of cars and other long-lasting goods, spending grew by just ?1.5 percent rate, down from the 2.4 percent pace in the last quarter of 2011. That was the weakest showing in a year.?

A separate report Friday showed consumer sentiment tanked in July, falling to its lowest level of the year so far.

Consumers have reason to hunker down, following years of stagnant wages. Now, with the jobless rate stuck at painfully high levels, there is little news from Washington to boost confidence. As the economy continues to sputter, the Federal Reserve remains on the sidelines and Congress and the White House are stubbornly deadlocked over proposals to boost growth.

Hanging over all of this is the election in November. The economy's poor showing throws?a hurdle in front of President Barack Obama's campaign to keep his job. His Republican rival Mitt Romney, a former businessman turned politician, has made his financial acumen a central theme of his campaign.

The poor showing in the second quarter has raised hopes that the Fed will step in with another round of asset purchases known as quantitative easing. But most economists feel if the Fed acts at all, it won't be at its regularly scheduled meeting next week.

"This (economic data) is the sign that policymakers must act to provide more support to the economy if they want it to grow fast enough to start putting sustained downward pressure on today's still too-high unemployment rate," said Josh Bivens, research and policy director at the Economic Policy Institute.

That action doesn?t appear likely in the near term, especially on the fiscal front.

In the latest act in the ongoing congressional dog and pony show on the budget,?House Republicans agreed to a vote next week on a Senate-approved measure that would extend Bush-era tax cuts for households earning less than $250,000.

"If our Democrat colleagues want to offer the president's plan or the Senate Democrats' plan, we're more than happy to give them a vote," House Speaker John Boehner said Thursday.

But the Democratic bill almost certainly?will?fail in the Republican-controlled House, serving only to confirm that both sides are deeply deadlocked over the looming year-end tax increases and spending cuts put in place when Congress deadlocked a year ago over raising the government's legal borrowing limit.

Just as that standoff lasted until the nation was on the verge of a debt default, both sides are apparently committed to driving the government to the edge of a ruinous ?fiscal cliff? before acting. In the closing days of its current session, Congress will have to resolve the issue of expiring tax cuts and ?automatic? spending cuts that most economists believe would throw the U.S. economy into recession in a matter of months.

Spending cuts alone would result ?in an estimated 2 million lost jobs?next year?even as?the pace of hiring is already too slow to keep up with population growth.

With Congress and the White House deadlocked in partisan paralysis, the Fed is the economy?s last, best hope. With growth falling, speculation is rising over whether --?and when --?the central bank will begin pumping more cash into the financial system to spur more borrowing and spending by businesses and consumers.

'The Fed's concern and mandate is employment,? said Joseph Trevisani, chief market strategist at Worldwide Markets. ?Annualized GDP growth at 1.5 percent cannot begin to mend the unemployment picture. Mr. Bernanke and company have all the rationale they need to open the liquidity spigot.?

But Fed watchers say it?s unlikely that policy makers will announce any new moves to prod growth at next week?s regularly scheduled, two-day meeting. One reason is that?the latest data seem to bolster hopes that the economy may still dodge an outright recession. Friday?s GDP revisions, which included growth rates all the way back to 2009, tend to bolster that view.

The new figures show that the 2007 recession was not was deep as originally reported and that the recovery was not as strong. ??

Based on a review of additional data, including IRS tax returns, the government now believes gross domestic product grew by just 2.5 percent in the 12 months after the recession ended in June 2009, not the 3.3 percent rebound previously reported.

That means that since the recession ended, the economy has been growing at an average pace of 2.2 percent. In that light, the latest reading of 1.5 percent growth represents a somewhat milder slowdown from the longer-term trend. ?

Still, any reading of less than a 3 percent growth rate will be painful, because?anything less is too slow to bring down the unemployment rate. The economy needs to grow at a 2.0 to 2.5 percent pace just to keep the?unemployment rate stable.??Most Fed watchers believe that if sluggish growth persists, or worsens, the central bank likely will fire up its money pumps by the end of the year.

It remains to be seen, though, whether those moves will have much impact.

?Today?s (GDP) report may be enough to tip the balance of probability towards further monetary accommodation before the end of the year,? said Chris Jones, and economist at TD Economics. ?But will it give the real economy the boost it needs?? Probably not.?

Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke recently conceded that the Fed's powers to revive growth are limited without help from Congress and the White House, which seems unlikely in an election year.

CNBC's Rick Santelli breaks down the latest economic data on the nation's gross domestic product, with Joel Naroff, Naroff Economic Advisors president.

More money and business news:

Source: http://economywatch.nbcnews.com/_news/2012/07/27/12991882-as-economy-falters-washington-fails-to-act?lite

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Maria Luciano, the raw food coach Sunwarriors Newest Ambassador

Toronto, Ontario (PRWEB) 24 July 2012

Sunwarrior has quickly become one of the leading Raw Vegan and supplement provider in North America. Their innovative products have taken the health and fitness industry by storm. Sunwarrior offers innovative anti-aging superfoods, supplements and protein for all athletes, bodybuilders, fitness and health enthusiasts alike conceived.

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Book publishers hunt online for the new E.L. James | Short Stories ...

Following the success of Fifty Shades of Grey, publishers eye authors who self-publish

Mainstream publishing houses are colonising fresh territory in the next stage of an ebook revolution that is changing not only how we read, but what we read, for ever.

Following the success of Fifty Shades of Grey, which started out as an ebook series posted on a fan site by author EL James and has become the world?s fastest-selling book, publishers are starting to move in on the profits generated by the thriving online platforms that serve unpublished writers.

Last week Pearson, the owner of Penguin Books, bought one of the largest grassroots publishers, Author Solutions, based in Indiana, in the US, for ?74m. the idea is that Pearson will no longer have to rely on spotting ebook hits early; instead, they will own a new author?s work from the first moment it appears on screen. This acquisition comes in the wake of Pearson?s launch last year of Book Country, a website on which fiction authors could publish their work.

Last Thursday Glaswegian author Denise Mina said she believed the power of the ebook would soon alter the way authors set about writing fiction. Speaking as she received the Crime Novel of the Year award for the end of the Wasp Season at a ceremony in Harrogate, Yorkshire, she said: ?nobody knows what sells. More so now because the market?s changing so fundamentally because of Kindle and electronic publishing. With literary production, it?s going to change the sorts of stories that we hear, which is amazing.?

She added that she expected publishing norms ? such as the average book length of 350 pages ? to be further broken down. while Charles Dickens shaped his stories to appear as serialised instalments, so ebook authors will be increasingly free to play with form and length at will.

?Why is that a story? Why isn?t a story 18 pages or 150 pages, which isn?t a novella and it isn?t a novel? but it can be now, on electronic media,? she said.

The writer also predicted that many of the ?bottlenecks? that prevent some writers being published will disappear. ?the class divide is going to change. a lot more working-class people are going to get published,? she said.

Keith Weiss, chief executive of the newly-acquired Author Solutions, is adamant that the online platforms for new writers are not the same as the stigmatised self-publishing referred to as ?vanity publishing?. His company, which started in 2007, has marketed and distributed 190,000 titles for 150,000 authors and has grown at a rate of 12% in the past three years.

Further proof of the onward march of ebooks comes from BookStats, which has collected data from 2,000 publishers across America, including fiction titles, as well as higher education, professional and academic publishing products. it found ebook revenues for US publishers doubled to more than $2bn in 2011.

There were 211,000 self-published books out last year, 50% up on the previous year, and one of those ebook authors was Tricia Bracher, who put out her novel Tres Hombres. This weekend she welcomed the news that online self-publishing is likely becoming another arm of the established book industry. ?there were always too many people trying to get work published and there was nowhere left to turn to prior to this,? she said. ?I am intrigued to know how publishers are going to maintain quality control, but I am cautiously optimistic.?

Agent and former editor Peter Strauss argues that it is too soon to say the whole industry is in flux. ?the acquisition by Penguin of Author Solutions is another way for a trade publisher to source and find product which it will hopefully edit and enhance and thereby find new readers,? he said, going on to argue that although it is now simple to publish a book, publishing houses are still needed to edit and promote raw work, as happened with Fifty Shades of Grey. ?the trilogy took off globally when the publishing industry got involved. it was carefully placed and sold by the agent, carefully positioned, edited, publicised, marketed and distributed.?

There is still no easy ride into print as, John Makinson, Penguin?s chief executive, has pointed out. Titles that sell well as ebooks are not always appropriate for putting between hard covers. the company is once more in the vanguard however, just as it was in the 1930s when managing editor Allen Lane stood on the platform at Exeter station and wondered about testing out on the marketplace a selection of cheap paperbacks, sold from a vending machine.

? Guardian News and Media 2012

[Pretty young woman using tablet pc while leaning on couch, via Shutterstock.com.]

Source: http://www.shortstoriesforchildren.net/book-publishers-hunt-online-for-the-new-e-l-james

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Katy Perry and John Mayer: Cuddling Alert!

Katy Perry may have snared herself a douchebag.

According to the latest issue of Us Weekly, the female singer was spotted out and about in West Hollywood the other man... with notorious ladies man and supposedly soulful singer John Mayer!

Katy Perry Movie Premiere PicJohn Mayer, Eyes Closed

"They were affectionate, holding hands and cuddling," a witness says of Perry and Mayer, who spent time at SoHo House on June 19.

The following evening, Perry allegedly then shared pizza with Mayer at her home.

This coupling really should not come as a surprise. Perry has rated herself a 10 out of 10 in bed, while we all know what Mayer looks for in a companion. Two words: sexual napalm.

Source: http://www.thehollywoodgossip.com/2012/07/katy-perry-and-john-mayer-cuddling-alert/

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Gov't says only 1 in 4 have HIV under control

(AP) ? New government data shows only a quarter of Americans with the AIDS virus have the infection under control. Young people and blacks are least likely to get effective care.

That's slightly lower than previous estimates, and means more than 800,000 people aren't benefiting from life-saving drugs that also would lower their level of infection.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that's because nearly 20 percent don't know they're infected, and only two-thirds who are diagnosed are linked to a doctor. It says poverty and lack of insurance are the main barriers.

Just 15 percent of 25- to 34-year-olds have gotten the virus to low levels, less than half the rate of 50-somethings. And 1 in 5 African-Americans had the virus suppressed, compared with 30 percent of whites.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/3d281c11a96b4ad082fe88aa0db04305/Article_2012-07-27-AIDS%20Conference/id-1767a0a1ba0a4f7b8b5e1e255faebd35

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