Sunday, April 8, 2012

School Bus Field Trip at 37 wks Pregnant?

School Bus Field Trip at 37 wks Pregnant?

No, I?m not a pregnant high school student. I am a school mental health therapist, and on 10/20 (by which time I will be 37 wks 1day), my school will be going on a field trip, and they need chaparones. I signed up, because it is one of my favorite trips of the school year, and probably the last one I?ll have an opportunity to go on before I take my 12 weeks maternity leave. Some of my coworkers don?t want me to go because the place is about an hour away from our school, and in the middle of no where and fear that I will go into labor, and they will have to deliver my baby in the woods. Some don?t want me to go because of all of the walking that is involved with the trip. My husband is just concerned that I?ll be uncomfortable on a bumpy school bus for an hour to get there, and an hour back to school.

Here have been my responses to all of their concerns. Even if I did go into labor while we were there, we all have cell phones or can use the office phone if we don?t get any reception up there to call an ambulance to take me to the nearest hospital, where I?ll have my husband come pick me up and take me to my hospital. Babies don?t come that fast. As for all of the walking and other physical activities that we do on this trip, I can sit out on the activities that aren?t safe for me or that I just can?t do at this point, and if the walking gets to be too much, I can always go back to the main offices and wait for them to be done. As far as being comfortable on the bus goes, I just take a seat to myself, and stretch out my legs, and I?ll be fine.

What do you all think? Should I go? I?ll be seeing my doc next week, befor the trip, and will get her opinion, but I?m curious about what other pregnant women think. I?m currently 35w3d with baby #2.

I think you should go..the chances of going into labor are prolly real slim.
the walking is also good for you to

Is this your first baby? There is a *very* good chance you will have a very long labour. So even if you did go into labour you will more than likely have lots of time to get back. An hour away isn?t that far?Just make sure you have your cell phone and it?s charged and there is reception where you?ll be :)

I would feel okay about going?but like you said, you?ll be asking your doctor, they?ll have the best advice.

One of my babies was born at 35 weeks, and the other was born at 37 weeks ? both of whom took about an hour or so to be born. I have two people in my life who have given birth to babies at home ? not because they wanted to, but because the babies came that fast.

On the one hand, odds are that you won?t deliver the baby. On the other, they do come that fast. Before I had my first premie I would have just assumed I could go on such a trip. After having him arrive almost too fast for the doctor to be there, I think differently.

Why are some of the women leaders in the conservative moment such hypocrites?

They just love to write books, show up on TV talk shows and travel the nation to criticize feminists and feminism and they are endlessly preaching to all with ears about what they think women are doing wrong in having careers vs having so-called ?traditional? family values and staying home to be wives and mothers?.and insisting that if women ?knew their place? their families would be perfect?.

but yet MOST of those women also are well educated and have high powered careers and they aren?t homemakers by any stretch of the imagination! In fact, some of them live more like feminists than the actual feminists do?and some of their families are far from perfect!

Examples of some high profile conservative women hypocrites:

Kate O?Beirne, author of Women Who Make the World Worse, editor at a major newspaper, has kids.

Phyllis Schalafly, head of the Eagle Forum and trained as a lawyer, has six kids (one of them gay)

Sarah Palin?Gov. of Alaska. yet has several kids one of ?em with special needs?and don?t get me started on Bristol (abstinence works? HAH!)

Dr. Laura Schlessinger ?. she?s a pychologist and has kids, yet she has a shady past and has been divorced!

Ann Coulter ?neither married nor has kids, but is a lawyer

Beverly LaHaye, head of Concerned Women For America, has several kids (one of them gay?despite her anti-gay stance)

Why is it ok for them to have careers and families but no one else? Are they afraid to compete with other women?

If they really feel the way they do re: traditional family values, then why don?t THEY go home, stay barefoot and pregnant and mind their own business?.instead of trying to hold other women back and telling them what to do all the doggone time?

I could ask the same thing about many feminist leaders?

Edit: We are all hypocritical from time to time.

There are some women that sacrifice their happiness to teach the world about the wrongness of feminism. I didn?t read your list because it was too long and boring :D But I assume they were anti-feminist protesters.

Sacrifice a few to save a lot.

You misunderstand, they are not saying that women shouldn?t have the choice to have careers they are saying that feminism should stop trying to force all women to have careers because the majority of women want to do the traditional thing.

Feminists need to learn to accept that most women just dont want what they want.

Same reason some liberal women are hypocrites. People of all political leanings hang on to certain ideals, no matter what their previous actions are. That?s why they?re known as ?ideals.? Nobody?s perfect, even liberals.

These women have made a career for themselves in spite of feminism not because of it and why should they thank a bunch of dykes moaning and criticizing every single little thing????

Imagine Margaret Thatcher thanking feminism???

Feminism is an excuse for failure not a route to success, whatever that is in your personal life. There have always been powerful women throughout history and many of them made it on their own merits not on the back of a half baked hate movement.

More proof that nobody is perfect.

At least Bristol didn?t murder (abort) her child.
Abstinence does work. I know several virgins in their 20s and even 30s.

How are they trying to hold women back?

Hypocrisy is commonplace when pushing ones own agenda.

I would like to point out that Ann Coulter has said that if she did get married, she would quit work completely. (It is therefore our responsibility to find her a husband as soon as possible.) But she has also said that ?women have no capacity to understand how money is made,? yet she has made millions just by shooting her mouth off.

You know Dr. Laura the great all knowing how to raise sons lecturer?own son went cookie..not like he did a little drugs like the military put him in a mental hospital with arm straps to keep him from hurting himself and others cookie.

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